View Full Version : Im new too! :)

26-04-11, 20:46
Hey everyone,

Im new on this thing too. Finding it difficult to find my way around it, but... im loving the concept! :)

I suffer from agrophobia - im not bad if im with people, but going out alone is a no go... its evem started to affect me at work! - i manage to laugh it off but secretly my heart breaks.

I also have mild OCD and count in odd numbers and hope that the time is odd so it makes me feel safe.

I do maybe wanna see a doctor. but i doubt this would help. Really looking to meet some like minded people.

Take care,


26-04-11, 20:47
Hi Theskyisalwaysblue

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-04-11, 21:17
Hey and welcome!

Do see your doctor about this and at least you can explore the options be it medication or some kind of psychotherapy :)

26-04-11, 21:27
im really scared that ppl will think im mad! :S i have so much to acheive and i dont even know what to do? i love gardening - that keeps me away from admitting stuff. i just dont know hw to handle the ups and downs of it though? like today was ok... but most days i cry my heart out, and mann i hate feeling sorry for myself! any advice?

thanks for your support! :)

Vanilla Sky
26-04-11, 22:05
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

26-04-11, 22:19
thanks! :)