View Full Version : Pulled stomach muscles !!

26-04-11, 22:00
I think i might have pulled my stomach muscles, as my upper stomach hurts when i move.
I did quite alot of housework yesterday , mopping etc.
But how can i stop myself from thinking its something else.
I hate this health anxiety .

27-04-11, 09:52
i had the same the other week and i must have pulled muscles in my upper stomach that i did not know i had, i had been using the ab roller, but like you worried it could be something else and yes i too hate health anxieety.

27-04-11, 17:20
i am having the same feeling right now too, i had a really good day on sunday, but i think i over did it, lots of walking and then spent the afternoon playing rugby in the garden with the kids and my stomach and back are really playing me up.
Got a tight feeling in my stomach and it hurts when i try to relax it, im guessing that its just a muscle strain too.

Trying not to think about it to much, but it is difficult.