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26-04-11, 22:48
hi, i'm new here too. i've been having panic attacks for about 6months, and although i'm on beta blockers they still keep coming. i'm getting really fed up as i now panic incase i panic, and its ruining my life. i can see how some people get agoraphobic, as if i didnt know what was happening to me i dont think i'd want to go out. its embarassing as it seems everyone is watchin me, my kids get worried and make me worse, and any adults i'm around seem to think i'm attention seeking or something. i'm so glad to know i'm not the only one, but i'd love some real ideas on how to control this before it takes over completely. thanks, freya x

26-04-11, 22:50
Hi freya

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-04-11, 03:54
Hi freya :welcome:i suffer from agoraphobia and social phobia and what i try to do when i feel a panic coming on is to concentrate on something else like counting colours...Ie i will look at clothes, shop windows or anything thats got different colours..like if someone is wearing white shoes..blue jeans and a yellow top i will keep saying over and over in my head white blue yellow..yellow blue white...or even looking at the floor and seeing a blue carpet and white skirting then brown walls i keep saying the colours over and over in my head which does help control it some what:)
Or i put my thumb over three of my nails and then gently push each nail on to my thumb counting 1 2 3 ...3 2 1 maybe you could try something like that:)

27-04-11, 19:45
thanks sara, i will try that and see what happens :), i really hope it works cos its driving me mental xx

27-04-11, 20:14
Hello Freya :) *shakes hand*

Welcome :)

27-04-11, 20:26
Hello Freya

I am new here too I have had panic attack for long time come and go. you are not alone you can get help and help others too

wish you the best

Vanilla Sky
27-04-11, 21:00
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

27-04-11, 21:13
welcome im new too, also been having panic attacks, and bad anxiety..but yesturday was a big change for me, and i have tips to help everyone, so i joined :) its very hard, so hard.... you think you will never get better. i cry so much wishing to wake up to a normal day, like i used to have. I try rescue remedy, and just keep it in my pocket and try to 'mentally believe' that it works...and when i dont use it i feel really proud =)

29-04-11, 23:27
oh thankyou everyone for your replies, i'm really greatful to know that i'm not just going mad, and that other people have the same problems as me with this. i really hate it, i used to be very confident and outgoing, not like the shadow i am now. i really hope we can all find a way to live with this or better still, beat it. much love x:hugs: