View Full Version : My skin hurts!

26-04-11, 23:04
I know it sounds weird but that is the only way I can describe it.

It started with the skin on the top of my right hand a few weeks ago and today the skin behind my left knee and thigh is just the same.

It does not hurt if I press the area hard so it isn't muscular but if I literally just run my hand over the area it hurts!

I have no rash or no redness on either areas.

I am seeing the doc tomorrow (not about this as it happens) but I could ask for her opinions.

I did a tiny bit of googling (it is ok I do not have HA so was not obsessively looking for rare diseases lol) but all I could really find was possibly shingles but I would have thought I would have felt much worse by now if I have that.

Anyone else had this ?

Not sure if it is related or not but my feet hurt too - but they have done for many many months now. They hurt on the underneath and it is painful to walk and is keeping me awake at night now.

It is probably something that will just go away - well I hope it will but thought I would ask for opinions anyway

Thanks all

26-04-11, 23:44
Hmmm Well I can't help you with the sore skin-although it definitely doesn't sound like shingles anyway. That always follows the path of a nerve so you wouldn't have it dotted around your body.You would also have a rash of blisters.

I am wondering if the sore feet is quite a different issue-because I had it myself a while back. I do loads of walking as I don't drive-and quite suddenly last year I found my feet would hurt so much-mainly my heels that I could hardly bear it.It would be worse first thing in the morning and after sitting down if I then tried to walk.
When I went to the doctor she diagnosed Plantar Fasciitis. You can google it-it isn't scary-honestly :)
The condition is caused by overuse of the plantar fascia or arch tendon of the foot. The Plantar Fascia is a broad, thick band of tissue that runs from under the heel to the front of the foot.

My doctor gave me some stretching exercises to do-and within a few weeks my feet were back to normal. I have to keep doing the stretches regularly though otherwise the pain returns.
Hopefully that is all yours will be!
I am very interested in health matters although not a hypochondriac so I hope you will post back and let us know what your doctor says.

Good luck :)

26-04-11, 23:53
Thanks for the reply Chrissie.

I will go and look up the feet thing now lol.

If the doc has any suggestions about the skin pain I will let you know as well.

27-04-11, 00:15
Sore skin can be caused by Nerves .Usually happens when you have been stressed .It can be a reaction to meds as well .So Dr will be able to tell you more Nic .If the balls of you feet hurt it coud be reLated to the metatarsal bone .You can buy feet gel pads .I sent you Email it has some info about foot probs ,As you know I get them myself ..Welcome to my world .:lac:.This hot weaher has made my feet and legs really painful .Common apparently as the bood vesses dilate when it gets hot .Aloe -vera gel is very soothing .Doesnt cure it tho ..Let us know what the Dr says .Gd luck Sue x

27-04-11, 00:29
hope the Doc has some answers for you, it sounds like a hard feeling/sensation to describe which must be rather frustrating.
It could a anything from a pinched nerve, or tense muscles to maybe lacking in a vitamin.

Hope it goes away soon :hugs:

27-04-11, 05:09
Could it be water retention Nic? I'm only thinking that because your feet hurt, and hot weather can trigger attacks. Let us know what the Dr says, and I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

27-04-11, 11:22
Thanks all

I took two paracetamol last night and it eased the skin hurting a bit and today it isn't too bad. Just a bit sensitive.

I am on water tablets already Shoe - so in theory I shouldn't have water retention but who knows lol.

Sue - thanks for the email. The pain is in the arch of my foot but there was some info on that site that you sent me that said it could be easeily treated with exercises etc so I will see if the doc can recommend something.

Will update you all later as not going till 5pm.

27-04-11, 12:32
I believe it's called allodynia Nic. I get it but that's due to fibromyalgia. It has a habit of travelling round the body, affecting different parts at different times. If it's particularly bad and persistent your doc might want to try you on a low dose of gabapentin (which is used for nerve pain/neuropathy, esp postherpetic neuralgia). Obviously it's wise to investigate the root-cause but neuropathic pain is commonly idiopathic in nature - ie, unknown.

Hope your dockie is helpful anyway.

27-04-11, 12:35
Hi there
Flipping heck , I had that on my arm the other week.If I just touched my skin on the top of my right arm and run my fingers up to my elbow it hurt just like Nicola described,not anywhere else though. It went on its own after about a week.
It would be interesting to know Nic what your GP says
love to all

27-04-11, 12:37
I did wonder about fibromyalgia as I came across a link from Googling. I nearly contacted you about it last night MM but I was hoping I didn't have something else wrong with me to add to the ailments I already have and you know that when I google I don't look for anything serious - I was just curious lol.

See if she mentions allodynia anyway.

27-04-11, 13:27
Hi Nic :D:hugs:

I do feel that mentioning to the doc is a good idea, peace of mind goes along way.

I have had this symptom regarding my skin, I would explain mine like a minor burn, the skin is sore to the touch, if I ran my fingers over the place it would hurt, feel very tender. I have had it appear on different parts of my body, its been on the side of my face, the top of one of my legs the side of one hand and on one of my arms and also on my back,it has come and gone over the years, it IS a very strange symptom, I did find something which explanied it for me, which was this..

The nervous system is a very large complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

Over the years there have been a few members on hear with similar symptom. Although I am panic, high anxiety free, BECAUSE of this GREAT site you have Nic :yesyes: I can still get this symptom, NOT very often. I have put this one down to anxiety/stress.

You know anxiety, it has a list as long as ohhhhhh LONG, some symptoms common some not so common, but just mention to your doc, would be interested to see what he/she says. I do know that the nervous system can be effected by other things too, eg meds, viruses, eg, flue, colds.



27-04-11, 23:06
Thanks Jill for the informative post.

Ok the doc said that she wasn't 100% sure about the skin hurting but she wanted to check my folic acid and B12 levels as this could cause the sensitive skin and she would also test my thyroid at the same time. I have the blood tests booked for next Thursday. She said she wanted to see the results from these tests first.

As for the feet hurting she said that she was reluctant to send me to see the podiatrist as she said he had this habit of sending people for x-rays, scans, blood tests etc and she doesn't want me having any of them at the moment given it is early days and I have been exposed to a lot of radiation over the past 2 years already.

She asked about my footware and I have to admit that since being off work I tend to only wear my trainers as I do not need to wear work shoes as such so she said that I could possibly try a new pair of trainers and get some arch supports to go in them that should help.

We will see how that goes before I am referred on anyway.

So we will see what happens once I get the footwear sorted and the blood tests done.

Thanks for all the advice and replies. I appreciate it.

28-04-11, 03:01
Wow Jill, I have just come looking for some reasons as to why the skin down the side of my left hand (from my knuckle in my little finger right down to my wrist) is soooo sore. Feels like a burn like you said, but there is nothing there and I was starting to panic a little. It's also a little numb and tingly but I suspect that might be from me poking it. I noticed it because I had a sudden sharp pain in my finger then noticed the length of my hand was sore. I'm almost certain it is nerve related. As usual though I came on here and found someone else has had the same kind of thing so I hope I can sleep now!

Nic...the docs love testing the thyroid :yesyes: The folic acid and B12 reasons are interesting though, and easy to fix. Hopefully your feet will be sorted soon too. Good luck :)


28-04-11, 09:00
Hi every one
Sounds like you have a good GP. I used to be on my feet a lot at one time and I had pain in my calves.I got myself some arch supports and they worked a treat
Let us know how get on
All the best

28-04-11, 22:52
I am not really sure what sort of arch support I am looking for yet and they are not cheap either - wonder if I can get them on a NHS prescription.

Nellie - my GP is wonderful with me and always takes so much care over me because of my past medical history lol.

29-04-11, 00:45
I have flat feet, no arch at all, worse in my left foot.
It was diagnosed when I was really young. I was in so much pain all the time.
I did get arch supports, they were made and shaped just for my feet. I couldn't wear them though as I found they made my feet hurt more.
The pain is rather like a cramping sensation or aching in the arch of my feet.
I find trainers/runners to be the most comfortable for me (least amount of pain).
I know my mum often gets cramps in her feet at night, so she jumps out of bed in pain and puts her foot under the cold tap, she says it helps a lot.
Hopefully in your case it might just a temporary problem .

well if you vitamin levels are low then that will be good too in the sense vitamins should help the weird sensations to go away.

29-04-11, 17:01
Hi Nic,
Please excuse me if I have this wrong,but I think there is a department at hospitals (I think it is called othotics) or some thing similar. I have just thrown all the papers away with information on.You could be reffered by your GP
They make all sorts of supports on NH, but of course there would be a waiting list.
I bought my supports from Boots about 20years ago.They are leather and at that time they were over £20 and are still in good nick. I still use them when needed.
All the best

29-04-11, 23:56
I will have a look at Boots thanks.

As I am off work at the moment everything is so expensive

Maybe some new trainers as well.

30-04-11, 23:53

Thought a couple of websites for footware might be of interest.

I use both for work and leisure and find their products excellent quality and very comfortable. Look at their range and then go onto Amazon and get them a bit cheaper and read the reviews - most of which are very positve

www.grisport.co.uk (http://www.grisport.co.uk) (Made in Italy)

www.hottershoes.com (http://www.hottershoes.com) (Made in UK)

01-05-11, 00:01
Thanks - will take a look

02-05-11, 23:15
Hiya Hun. I made a post aboyt this myself A while ago. I had the exact same thing and had it about a week. The pain was down my right thigh and went round the front of my belly. Even my clothes and bed sheets irritated, it was very uncomfortable and painful to touch. I saw my doc and she said shingles but she said there most definatley would have been a rash by now, she said it normally appears 5-7 days after the pain starts. Anyway no rash appeared and it just went away by it'self after 2 weeks. It was a very painful mystery.

Kez xx

02-05-11, 23:49
Nic, my ex got some heel/arch support insoles on the NHS a few years ago. I'm sure he got them on prescription or something.

02-05-11, 23:54
Thanks Kez and Shoe.

I will have a look at Boots when I can and see what I can get. If they are really expensive I will see doc and see what she recommends.

06-05-11, 00:41
Had blood tests today - now got a nice raised bump/bruise grrr.

Anyway I cannot see my doc until 2 weeks today for the results.

Still not got an insole thing yet - need to get out shopping and looking around.

06-05-11, 11:30
HI Nicola, I am wondering if your skin feels like it has been sandpapered when you touch it, if so then I have had it quite often on different parts of my body and I usually put it down to the nerve endings being affected. It usually lasts quite a few days and then disappears.

Are your feet really painful when you walk? My other half has had pain on his heels and also on the ball of his foot, there is a condition called plantar fasciitis (think that the correct spelling). If you look it up it will tell you about special exercises to help it.

Hope this has been of some use:):):)

10-05-11, 22:36
I've had the same pain with my skin from time to time. Recently, I learned that it might be stress related. Long story short, I had some medicine for a mild case of eczema. The eczema was due to stress. So, I tried the medicine on my painful skin and it eliminated the pain in one to two days. The medicine is called "Cordran". It is an adrenocortical steroid. The active ingredient is 0.05% flurandrenolide. And just so you know, it's very expensive.

10-05-11, 23:08
Just a quick update.

I called for the blood test results today and they said they are all normal.

Ddcoo - my leg has stopped hurting now and it is just my right hand that hurts on and off. It is probably anxiety or something lol.

It is the arches of my feet that hurt so I have bought some new trainers today to see how it goes with them.

Sorry I missed your post a few days ago.

10-12-15, 01:21
Just came across this thread after using the wonderful search box!

Nic, I am reassured (though hope u are not still suffering with this) that I am not alone with this 'skin that is painful to the touch' thing.

I have had this for years now, and am having a bad bout of it at the moment, all across my back and on one side of my chest. It is so painful and I have had to take off my top because even my clothes hurt on it.

I knew from some research it was called Allodynia, and the Fibromyalgia thing has occured to me too. I do have 99.9% of the symptoms of it - IBS, depression, anxiety, muscle pains, stiffness, etc. and I can get this allodynia thing anywhere around my body periodically.

I haven't seen by GP as he is less than interested even when I have an anxiety review, but I guess I will have to.

Just popping painkillers at the mo......sigh....isn't anxiety a joy? x:wacko:

10-12-15, 05:39
My sister has had shingles and has fibromyalgia. Her fibro pain seems to be in the tissue under the skin itself. However, for skin pain/shingles-type pain, she has found relief from the sunburn spray you can buy at the drugstore. Not too expensive, worth a try?

10-12-15, 07:15
I've had a few brief spells with the kind of nerve pain that makes your skin feel numb and it hurts when clothes rub against it so I don't envy anyone who has to manage that long term or in much greater intensity than my minor brushes with it. :hugs:

10-12-15, 11:46
SADmore - Many thanks for the suggestion of the spray. I am willing to try anything! :flowers:

Terry - Thanks a million. It really does hurt, and it is sucn a weird kind of pain. Like hypersensitive skin. Mine usually comes and goes very infrequently and I just put it down to yet another mind-bending anxiety effect, but this bout has lasted since yesterday afternoon. Oh well....off to Tesco to get me some sunburn spray! x :hugs::winks:

10-12-15, 22:52
I have just come upon this old thread
I still have the skin trouble . I have very sensitive skin to the touch. Feet, toes,ankles.tops of my legs. If I run my finger over my thigh it hurts.
I am so fed up with this. My arms and hands are ok
The last time i saw GP about it. i had blood tests and they came back normal.
I am no better, so I am off to see another GP next week
I am just about fed up with myself and taking painkillers.
i take note of the spray.thanksxx