View Full Version : Oh, how easy it would be if ...

27-04-11, 06:23
I was to go check into a hospital with a padded room. I coud stay there safely and not be bothered. The only bad thing would be only my thoughts to keep me company and they are not very good company at that!

27-04-11, 08:07
I know the feeling. Sometimes I feel like it'd be the best place for me. I dare say plenty of people would be worried / miss you though!!

01-05-11, 04:00
Eh, it's not as good as it sounds.

01-05-11, 04:05
I guess it depends what the hospital and staff are like.
But still theres no magic drug that makes all your problems disappear,
therapy,meds,CBT and Support can really help.
If you are having a hard time coping the hospital might help :hugs:

01-05-11, 18:25
impossiable unless you kill someone or saw off one of your limbs in public and i know because last tuesday i was desperate desperate for hospitol and i could not get admitted any where, in the end tuesday night i took a overdose of Tramadol tablets and some time after that rang the mental health help line who know me and they sent the police who took me in to custody under the mental health act as i had od'd and also self harmed. i got sectioned at the hospitol and was kept the night given drugs to clear out the tramadol and in the morning i was seen by a therapist then carted off to the local mental health ward where i was assessed by two pyscs where i was given vallium and then mirtazapine which i am taking every night. Then i was released and sent home.......no padded cell but i got help and the mirtazapine is really helping , ok most of the day i am stable not happy still empty inside but stable i do tend to get down towards tea time but i grit my teeth until its time for my next dose...hang in there go get the help from the doctors force it if you have to but you have to make it happen.