View Full Version : jaw clicking

27-04-11, 08:51
hi my jaw keeps clicking and it sounds loud and gives me a bit of jaw ache,, ive had it for many years on and off, i was told its anxiety and i do cleanch my teeth which i got mouth guard for,, but dont really use it i cant get on with it, well this morn i woke and evertime i moved or opened my mouth it clicked loud,, so i was worride that it might click and get stuck or summit,, can this happen ,,, wot can i do? im getting bit anixous,,, does any one els have this,, i have told dentist in past and he said that i have a small mouth and it dont open wide, ( by the way u men ,, i know what your thinking) :), but i am worride and bit scared to move my mouth now . does anyone els have this ?

27-04-11, 13:15
Ok - This is called temporomandibular joint disorder, a bit of a mouthful I know (ok sorry that was a bad one XD), or TMD. It's safe to google that. I've had it for years but now it's fine. It might click forever, it might get better. You should wear your moth gaurd, why don't you get on with it? If its rubbing you should be able to snip off the corners if the doctor told you thats ok to do.
There are quite a few threads on this here - give them a read.
As for getting stuck, mine kind of locked a bit when it was first bad. Its not too scary, it just goes back after a bit of wiggling and it won't get stuck open. It won't dislocate or anything like that as its just a little disk in your joint that moves and clicks and gets caught if it gets a bit out of place.
Try to eat soft foods and stifle your yawns, as this will relax it a bit and it won't hurt as much.

27-04-11, 23:14
My jaw clicks now and again too, well a funny kind of grinding noise, I think unless you also get severe pain its nothing to worry about. My dentist has felt my jaw and says there isnt a problem.

28-04-11, 13:10
Hi Bomberbeamish

Can I please UUUURGE you to wear your mouth guard. I am about to have to have 2 more teeth removed and bridged and my two front teeth braced because my dentist didn't bother to refer me to a Consultant after my teeth suffered under the strain of grinding. I am losing teeth left, right and centre due to such severe grinding and earlier use of a mouth guard would have saved them. Luckily I changed dentist and he sent my to Guys in London immediately and I'm waiting for my first lot of very intensive treatment. My jaw clicks too, it all part of it. It's not an issue, just a pest. The London Dentist to me to try not to dwell on it as you will tense your jaw just thinking about it and then you'll go around in circles.

Wear that guard!