View Full Version : Waking up every couple of hours.

27-04-11, 09:32
Since Friday night, I've been going to bed every night at roughly midnight, and waking at roughly 2am and 4am. I don't struggle to get back to sleep at 2 but by 4 I've been resting for a while and it can be hard to go back to sleep. I then "doze" until around 7 when I give up and get up. I remember I had a dream last night so I have had some REM sleep.

I think it's probably related to my stress/anxiety but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms? Quite worried it might be some horrible sleeping disorder.

27-04-11, 10:16
Hey worried,

I get this alot and have copped it for a few years now, on and off.
The thing is im kinda a light sleeper and need a completely dark room with no noise. Also i find if i dont drink too many fluid leading up to sleep, say 3 -4 hours, i tend to sleep better.

27-04-11, 11:21
I have had very poor sleep since my anxiety started. The doctor says that everyone wakes up about once every couple of hours then falls back to sleep again. Most people do not even know they have woken up at all. When you have anxiety you become more aware of the times you wake up and find it harder to fall back to sleep again. Try to just accept it and not worry about it, go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning if you can it helps.

30-04-11, 02:02
yah i always have rem sleep since my anxiety started........i dont feel refreshed..i hate it......any advice????

30-04-11, 03:55
All sounds like typical anxiety. Mine did get worse though when I started getting depressed, but improved greatly after being on anti-depressants for a few weeks. Might be worth seeing the doctor if you feel you could be depressed.


Granny Primark
30-04-11, 06:59
Im exactly the same. Before I started with anxiety 5 years ago I would have a good 6 hours sleep but now I wake up about 4 times during the night.
Dont know if anyone else is the same but most mornings I wake up and I feel mentally and physically shattered.

30-04-11, 07:56
Since Friday night, I've been going to bed every night at roughly midnight, and waking at roughly 2am and 4am. I don't struggle to get back to sleep at 2 but by 4 I've been resting for a while and it can be hard to go back to sleep. I then "doze" until around 7 when I give up and get up. I remember I had a dream last night so I have had some REM sleep.


I could have wrote that myself . Last night the 4 am wake up was the last time i slept so had to get up at 5 am . Knackered now , i,m sure its the citralapram i,m on .

30-04-11, 07:57

I'm exactly the same at the moment, I woke up at 2am this morning, and have just been catching the odd bit of sleep through the rest of the night - its exhausting because you wake up feeling that you haven't slept at all.

I've tried including food in my diet that is meant to have a calming and slightly sedative effect because of the trytophan, foods like banana's, turkey and milk. Apparently it can help to have good 'sleep hygiene' which just means that you don't have a tv, radio etc in your bedroom but if I'm honest none of it seems to be having that much impact at the moment - if you find something that works for you, let me know!


30-04-11, 08:17
I know what doesn,t work , alcohol :blush: It used to knock me out , just a few beers , not now it keeps me even more awake . Only thing that works is a 2 mg of diazapam , but the doc only gives me 14 per month and i don,t really like takeing them anymore anyway .

Theres some good bi nural beats on utube which work quite well , i,ll post up some links hang on !!....

30-04-11, 08:30

Another one with a bit of info ...


If you google binuaral beats and delta waves it makes interesting reading on how listening to this stuff helps relax you and sleep better . I,m not usually into this sort of stuff but it has worked for me a little bit , but you need good stereo headphones.....hope this might help someone .

30-04-11, 08:48
honestly this happens to everyone most people wake up every few hours or so.. in some cultures it used to be customary to sleep 3 or 4 hours wake up and stay up for an hour get a little "frisky" sometimes.. then sleep again either way its very common to wake up

30-04-11, 10:10
Hi guys,

Just an update, I'm still not sleeping quite right but, and this will sound stupid, I've found that covering my clock radio helps! If I don't check the time when I wake I become less anxious about my sleeplessness and drift back off quicker. It may be unrelated, but my sleep has definitely improved since I covered the clock at night.

Hope this helps.

30-04-11, 20:53
How do you know what time to get up ?

01-05-11, 09:06
loved the Gordon Lightfoot song you linked :)

01-05-11, 09:21
Thanks :D
It surpriseing what you listen to in the middle of the night when you can,t sleep .
One good thing about not sleeping very well is you at least feel like you have had a really long weekend before you go back to work ..lol..

Been up since 5 am again and the house is spotless and the dogs been out already , i reckon my wife likes me more this way , lower sex drive and malfunction due to the citralapram so she gets left alone , and awake all hours so i do the housework while she merrily snores away untill mid day ..lol..

Granny Primark
01-05-11, 09:43
Mel 2 youve got one hell of a lucky wife!!!!
Im going put a sertaline in me hubbys coffee every day now :yesyes::roflmao::winks:

01-05-11, 10:28
Mel 2 youve got one hell of a lucky wife!!!!
Im going put a sertaline in me hubbys coffee every day now :yesyes::roflmao::winks:

Give it a go ! :D:roflmao:

macc noodle
01-05-11, 11:32
Worried - don't worry about it if you can (ha, easier said than done I know) - but really if it is getting you down, why not get up and potter around for a bit and see if you can then sleep when you get back into bed.

For years, I would lie there and watch the clock determined not to get up and disturb the house (hubby, 2 kids, 2 dogs :)) so lay there getting more and more agitated with myself until the doc said to me "just get up and find something to do" - so I did and it works for me - a little potter around, a herbal tea and back to bed.


I am jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am the one prowling the house all night - so I do the chores.
