View Full Version : Whats wrong with me :(

27-04-11, 14:15
Okay, so i'm sitting here in tears writing how i feel, i dont know what is wrong with me but i just feel so ill, ive had this thing for a while now where i feel very ill when i wake in the mornings, i gag, i feel like i have lots of flem stuck in my throat i feel really tired no matter how much i sleep and i feel like my breathing is so shallow its barely there, i dont know if its an allergy to anything, its my 8th day of citalopram now and im constantly crying and i feel like im dying, i was even day dreaming yesterday and suddenly my day and time of death popped into my head and now im petrified, its just a dream right? That wouldnt really happen jus from a simple thought? Im not hardly eating i cant, i dont feel hungry atall and when i eat my throat feels wierd like the food is going down, what the hell is wrong with me and why do i feel like this when ever i wake up im so scared i feel weak and numb too help tell me what u think :(

27-04-11, 14:46

It really sounds like its all down to your anxiety, also from what I understand the meds can make you worse at first as well? (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm worng)

Maybe you need to think about some relaxation techiniques or even doing some gentle exercise to get your body going, a walk or maybe even a bike ride? Sometimes you can feel tired and lethargic because your body is on 'go slow'. Sometimes you may have to push yourself to do it but it will make you feel and lot better which will also help with your state of mind.

As for the 'dream' about your time of death - I wouldn't worry about that...I dreamt I had 6 numbers of the lottery a few years back and I still have won a £10 yet!