View Full Version : Constant stomach anxiety!

27-04-11, 14:24
Hello everyone
I just wondered if anyone here has anything similar to this or anyone has advice as i'm quite upset..I've had 2 bouts of anxiety in the last 15 years and have been totally fine for about 3 years until about 2 weeks ago when a few little tell tale signs have been creeping in. At the moment i seem to have almost constant like butterflies in my stomach as if i'm about to do something dangerous or terrifying.. i know i should ignore it and distract myself but when i feel it it makes me feel so so depressed and hopeless. I'm so scared i'm sliding towards an anxiety bout, although in my head i fell fine if that makes sense, no 'what if' thoughts at all.
I don't know what to do, going to the doctors seems rash as i really don't want to have anti d's as i'm trying for a baby and i can honestly say nothing in my life is stressing me, that's never a trigger for me. Any tips on getting through or rid of this tummy thing.
I'm so lucky my life is great and i feel this is a big black cloud, i haven't told anyone i feel like this as i suppose i don't want to admit my anxiety might be back.
Thanks for listening
J x

09-06-17, 00:29
this post is old, but I also get this, and am getting this currently for the past couple days non stop.

So aggravating!

There's got to be more of us out there, anyone else get this?

11-06-17, 10:51
Yeah I get this too feels likes it right in the pit of stomach. Wish I could say how to get rid off it at the moment I split my a/d night time dose in half and take one half in the morn and seems to help.

13-06-17, 18:11
I have been getting this for the past week too. It's the worst feeling ever