View Full Version : indegestion/pain?

27-04-11, 16:39
this will probably sound ridiculous like most my worries....few days ago i was at a bbq with friends very warm out and was drinking alot of beer. too much sun and too much beer i got sick...i had a pain left side of chest/neck/jaw/head after puking.. it felt like the pain was all connected. a few days later and i feel much better but that pain is still kind of there only it went from about a 7 to a 3 in regard's to pain..and its only really there when i burp or have a hiccup. anyways i saw a add on the internet now i think i may of had a heart attack and i am now worried. im 24 . any ideas?

macc noodle
27-04-11, 18:01
Drank too much, too much sun - heatstroke and too much alcohol - made yourself sick and no doubt pulled yourself mate whilst retching I would guess!

You will be fine - the pain will ease and soon be gone.

Heart attack at 24 - not very likely unless you have an underlying heart condition.

Know where you are coming from though if you suffer anxiety - that is enough to give you chest pain in itself.


27-04-11, 18:21
Sounds like the after effects of a dam good Barbie . As Macc noodle says probably strained yourself when you blew your ring .
Hope you feel better soon .