View Full Version : frozen and stoppped beating and breathing

27-04-11, 19:13
him going through the mill at then moment with my anxiety geting better but not 100%
however something has got me worried so any advice or experinces would be great

ok i get the feeling of being frozen trapoped and like my heart and my breathing ahs just stopped.

it happens more on anight then i get a jolt thinking breath beat and i end up waking in a panic. then back to sleep. its really frightening as i dont quite understand it.
its like sleep paraylsis but i can move so not lol.

any advice

im scared that mny heart and breathing is stoppinga nd starting i no this is like not happening otherwise id be dead but tahts what it feels like xx

lucy devine
28-04-11, 04:26
remember what i always say to you...i promise you are going to be ok.
tell yourself over and over it's just anxiety and that it will go away
i know you are a strong person and i know you can beat it :)
you're doing so well, just keep trying and you will beat this

28-04-11, 09:57
Sounds a bit like a night terror to me. I get them quite frequently, I always have, and they don't bother me at all.

It's difficult, because in that moment after you become aware but before you are properly conscious you have no control, and it can be very frightening.

Mine are often to do with being attacked by insects. My husband has a very difficult time convincing me that the wasps / spiders / prawns (yeah, I know :huh:) that I'm trying to get away from aren't real. It's like the more he tries to convince me, the more I stay in the dream. Then I come round, fall asleep again, and we have a good laugh in the morning.

When I was having HA problems before Christmas, they started to become health related and I would 'wake up' convinced that I had lost all feeling in my body, or that my limbs no longer worked. I would have an overwhelming sense of 'well that's it, it's happened'. I don't know what 'it' was, I was just convinced that I was in life threatening danger. One night I was so convinced I was trying to get my husband to call an ambulance. Thankfully he didn't, and I was satisfied when he called NHS Direct who said I would be okay until morning.

As soon as I realised the health ones were like the others, and that the symptoms were mostly caused by my panic, it was fine. I still get them, and I still think my limbs don't work etc, but now I know why I seem to be much more matter of fact about it in my dream and go back to sleep straight away without any anxiety.

So I guess the upshot of all this is that it's like all the other anxiety related symptoms. Once you accept them and understand that it can't hurt you, it won't bother you so much (and will probably stop altogether since you haven't had it before).

01-05-11, 23:07
Yes i used to suffer night terrors and believe i am again. thank you both for your replies x

01-05-11, 23:41
I used to get a feeling at night like my heart had stopped. I even had to feel my pulse to make sure it was still beating because I thought 'how can I be thinking this if my heart has stopped?' Lol. Was scary though at the time. xx

01-05-11, 23:50
I'm scared can our hearts and breathing k st stop?

02-05-11, 00:36

Can you ask the question again as I am not sure what you are asking?

02-05-11, 00:37
If your heart really did just stop, you'd not be able to do anything or have time to worry as you are. Maybe it jumped a bit, or skipped a beat.

I have had that a couple of times...I always am just dropping off and it feels like I am falling or something and then get jolted and feel like my heart had just stopped. I think it just skips a beat. Although I get skipped beats a lot now...all my life I had the jolting thing now and then

02-05-11, 00:55
Yeah logic tells me I'm alive I'm not debating that lol I get the feelinh thaty my breathing hand hgeart hasyt stopped and I'm still and weird then I have to move to make it start againm I just wondered if amyone had any experince and if I can jjust stop breathinh and heart stop beatingm

02-05-11, 01:15
No you can't stop breathing and your heart stop unless you are dead and then you wouldn't know lol

It can feel like those things have stopped but they don't.

02-05-11, 01:26
Yeah I'm finding it hard cos I run in panicx attacks but latley I'm burning my adrenaline off. So wondered if it was same but more my thoughts controlling it cos I don't have the amount of adrenaline if thaty makes sense x just trying to unmderstand what's happeningx