View Full Version : tricyclics

27-04-11, 19:25
hello all :)

just been pondering today about the meds doctors use today and the side effects. Know that NICE have guidelines and the medics follow them .
Just 10years ago after a horrid time with Prozac ........my gp put me on a mix of Lofepramine twice a day and Dosulepin at night for insomnia .
apart from feeling spacey and dry mouth I had no side effects and the end result saved me :yesyes:.

I know they are perhaps more dangerous if overdosed on ..........but wonder when I read of people suffering such horrid side effects .....more docs dont use them still ? I have had to go back twice on the lofepramine in the last few years and they worked still. only on Dosulepin now .........low dose .
I had depression then ...................but brought on by relentless anxiety so it worked for both .
anyone else on tricyclics ? i think they are a very helpful drug for those who find the ssri ones too much to bear xxxx

28-04-11, 18:00
Tricyclics are generally being replaced by SSRIs and the newer SNRIs as far as I can tell. If I were you and you're considering medication, I'd recommend considering either escitalopram (an SSRI) or any of the major SNRI medications.

The thing is with SSRIs/SNRIs, yeah they do have side effects, but so does every type of medication. They're also the result of newer research and newer technology, they have less interactions with other medication/food types etc and they are tolerated quite well by the human body over long periods of time.

I personally hate the side effects I got/am getting from citalopram but I am trying to see it as a learning experience to toughen me up! That attitude helps but it doesn't stop me cursing the tiredness and headaches!

28-04-11, 18:28
Tricylics? I'm sure I used to have that as a kid for chesty coughs!

28-04-11, 18:37
thank you Poet :flowers:..............will consider . side effects no matter what .
hate the exhaustion one though . x
Pancho ...........think you are thinking of Tyxilix cough stuff ? remember it well !!

28-04-11, 18:56
I agree with Poet, SSRI are easier to tolerate and certainly do have lesser side effects.
Having said that ,coming of some of these can be horrendous. Seroxat & venlafaxine(SNRI) are well known to cause severe withdrawal symptoms for some people. Though not been on Lexapro, I believe this is good one. A more purer form of citalopram?

28-04-11, 21:52
Pancho ...........think you are thinking of Tyxilix cough stuff ? remember it well !!


29-04-11, 06:23
Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants were among the earliest antidepressants developed. They're effective, but have generally been replaced by antidepressants that cause fewer side effects. Other antidepressants are prescribed more often, but these antidepressants are still a good option for some people. In certain cases, they relieve depression when other treatments have failed.

29-04-11, 11:20
I think the main reason the SSRI's are now the first line choice of treatment is due to the larger gap between therapeutic dose and lethal dose. What that means is that the amount they need to give you to make them work is an awful lot less than the amount you'd need to take to kill yourself. Whereas with a tricyclic the difference in number of tablets is a lot smaller.

29-04-11, 18:17
Thank you all for answering :)

guess my point was to say that if SSRIs etc are not working ..........or the side effects are too bad to continue ......then there is a place for trying the older drugs perhaps. it worked for me thank goodness.
lofepramine is not so dangerous in overdose as the others .
take care xx

29-04-11, 19:05
If you're being treated by your GP, then they will generally prescribe the newer anti depressants, SSRI/SNRIs as they are safer in overdose. However, tricyclics are still widely used by psychiatrists, and for good reason, they work! ECT is still used, although not nearly as much, again because for some people it works!

They both have side effects but tricyclics still have their place in psychiatry. They can be very effective for some patients.

Good Luck. x

29-04-11, 19:09
thank you Haz :)

glad to know they still have a place nowadays! xx

29-04-11, 19:15
thank you Haz :)

glad to know they still have a place nowadays! xx

I know a few people who are on them. I was on one just before Christmas. Hope you feel better soon. :flowers: