View Full Version : first bout of anxiety after having a child?

28-04-11, 00:11
Just wondering how many of us (men and women) experienced their first really bad bouts of anxiety after becoming a mum/dad for the first time? I've always been a worrier, but had never experienced major anxiety until I had my son. My fear is for my health and I think its basis is that i'm afraid i won't see my child grow up. Every health issue, I think the worst! Sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy, because i've actually, truly convinced myself that i'm going to be given the worst news. Can anyone here identify with this?

28-04-11, 12:17
Absolutely Christers,

I think all of my anxiety has occurred in the last 6 years since having my oldest son, it also co-incided with my parents having 3 different cancer diagnoses, all of which are familial and boy, have I suffered emotionally since. I don't care about myself as such, but the thought of my boys not having their mum is unbearable.

However, this is a very common feeling for parents seemingly, and it is possible to overcome the debilitating anxiety associated with it, with some help and effort. So remember you're not alone in this and you can feel better.

28-04-11, 14:51
thanks for that reply happycamper! Never really bothered too much about myself before my son but since having him have worried myself sick over the thought of having various terrible illnesses. Had tried to pin down the cause of all this anxiety, and all i could come up with was the new responsibilty of having a child (as well as being a natural worrier!)

28-04-11, 20:01

I have post natal anxiety after having my 1st son.....it's really common but rarely spoken about :unsure:. Kids eh....you love em but they drive you crazy with worry!! xxxx

28-04-11, 20:22
never a truer word said jenbo50!