View Full Version : Still really scared and miserable. Please help!

28-04-11, 20:34
Hi Everyone.... Am really sad and so worried. I posted about a week ago. I have had horrible low stomach cramping and pains in lower back and down my left leg and groin. I have convinced myself that it is something awful (C) and am still terrified. To make matters worse, when I saw my GP last week, she said that she would refer me for an ultrasound, so I have been waiting for the letter to come through the post.

A friend told me to phone the hospital direct today, which I did and they have no record of my referral. I imagined that with all the bank hols of late that there would be a delay. Anyway, I phoned my doctor and the receptionist passed on a message asking her to call me as I was chasing up my ultrasound referral. A few hours later the receptionist calls me saying that my doc did not refer me for an ultrasound as she wanted to see what the IBS meds did first... (I def do not have IBS). She definitely said that she was going to send me. That is the only way that I could have left her office without breaking down.

I was heartbroken and cried and cried. I cant believe that I have to now wait until tuesday to see a doctor. My weekend is ruined. My mum, bless her has said that she would pay to go private as the hospital told me there is a 3-4 week waiting list for ultrasounds and I so can't wait that long.

I really need some reassurance that this is just anxiety. I keep trying to do things which I think people with hideous diseases couldn't do... I am a keen runner, so have been running loads lately just to prove to myself I can still do it..... I have so many strange thoughts it is untrue. I feel every twinge, creak my body does.

I just want to get this HA blip out of the way and then get heavy with some self help books and possibly some 1:1 counselling. I have to get better for the sake of my husband and children.

I dont want to be miserable and desperate. It is the royal wedding tomorrow and I am supposed to be entertaining. I don't want to :weep:

Can anyone give me some reassurance.


28-04-11, 20:47
Hi hope your feeling ok now ?
It does sound like you have IBS .... what you have described is what igo through and i thought that i had some serious illness and wouldn't take my doctors words for them saying that all i have it just IBS and nothing more but i still wouldn't except that it is just IBS so i then went to about 6-8 different doctors i just kept changing my doctor to see if one of them would find what was wrong with me but no they all said IBS i still wasn't convinced so then i asked for all tests to be done to rule out everything !! crohns / ceoliac just any illness untill i had every test under the sun bloods, x-rays, ultrasound, scans, EVERYTHING believe me they all came back negative and i now (only past few days) have ACCEPTED that yes i do just have IBS and nothing more i no the symptoms are not nice & anxiety does make it worse but you just have to sort out your anxiety and you will find that all the other symotoms will settle down very soon x x

Princess Sparkle
28-04-11, 23:39
I'm certainly no medical expert, but it sounds like there could be numerous explanations for what you're going through, and the most likely will be something fairly minor and hopefully temporary. What your anxiety is making you do is jump to the worst possible conclusion (I know, i've been there myself) but there's no reason to think the worst. I know it's hard, but try to remind yourself that there is most likely a harmless reason behind what's happening to you. Getting a scan will put your mind at rest, but please try not to worry too much while you wait. Anxiety will most likely only make your problem worse.

Try to concentrate on positive things if you can. The royal wedding should be a good distraction tomorrow.

Hope everything turns out fine for you! :)

29-04-11, 00:06
Hi, You could be describing me - I have been suffering with low constant abdominal pain for last couple of months and have a referral for ultrasound of abdomen, pelvis, ovaries in just over a weeks time. I am convinced it is something sinsister. I am also waiting for blood test results as dr has no idea what is causing the pain. I have been trying to keep really busy and have been pushing myself to do things to prove I am ok and stop me dwelling and panicking too much. My dr knows I have HA concerns and says the ultrasound and bloods are to rule things out not because he thinks I have them and i am sure yours is the same. I know the waiting is horrible but try and take comfort in fact that if dr was concerned referral would be faster.

Try to keep busy and distracted, hope we both get sorted out soon and can move on.
love flumpkin xx

29-04-11, 00:30
If it were something serious the pain would be excruciating, anxiety wise if you can't wait for the 4 weeks, go private but find out first how long you'll be waiting for that.
your not doing your self any favors by worrying and assuming it's cancer, you could try more therapy or med for the anxiety.
Your doctor shouldn't have said that she would refer you if she wasn't going to do that.
Any time my doctor did, he would make a voice recording of the referral and then the receptionist would type up the letter and post it.

05-01-12, 12:01
Hi. Just looking back on my posts and thought I would let you know that all the scans etc came up just fine. Goes to show what symptoms HA can awaken with the power of your mind. Have been feeling fine for months, although still can't bear to read any articles about cancer, and have to turn the tv off if anything cancer related comes on. A very good friend has been diagnosed with liver cancer which completely freaked me out over Christmas. She is in her 50's which is still very young. I am so sad for her, and have been assessing my symptoms again! I have an aching in my left breast and all down my left side. Am trying to remain calm about it and am booking myself in for a massage next week. Hope everyone is well. XXX