View Full Version : What does your mouth feel like inside?!

28-04-11, 22:00
I know it's 'normal' for anxiety sufferers to have heightened awareness of their body's functions and sensations. So i'm wondering if I have got myself into this mindset with my mouth worries!
I noticed a few weeks back that there was this feeling at the back of my throat/tongue like something was stuck there. A fish bone, popcorn husk or coconut flake type thing! Anyway, now I'm still getting similar sensations but can't exactly pinpoint where the problem is exactly. Sometimes I think it's in my throat & other times I think it might actually be my Tongue that is the problem. Now the roof of my mouth feels strange and my Tongue feels dry! I'm starting to wonder if my problem is actually one of those things that will go away when I can learn to ignore it...

If anyone reading this that doesn't have a throat/Tongue issue could just stop for a second and concentrate on your own mouth... Can you tell me if it's possible to notice how the back of your Tongue and roof of your mouth feel when you're not anxious?! In other words, is it plausible that I could be overthinking and focusing on things about my throat/mouth that are actually 'normal', and consequently exacerbating the problem?!

(reading this back, i sound ridiculous! Please humour me someone. :blush: )

28-04-11, 22:29
Hi my mouth feels dry at moment but if i were to focus on it i would start to feel a lot more sensations just like my stomach.I have had a feeling like you are having a few years ago .I had everyone looking in my mouth,they thought i was a complete nut by the time id got over it.I had a feeliing like something was stuck at back of mouth/thoat .I neve found out what it was as i got another symptom so started focusing on that and here i am yeas later still doing it.kind regards molly

28-04-11, 22:41
Throat problems are common symptoms of anxiety, usually a tight throat, like something is stuck there.

In reality, it's nothing at all and you'll never not be able to breathe or anything like that so I wouldn't worry about it :) if your mouth feels dry, keep drinking water and try some relaxation and breathing exercises.

28-04-11, 22:46
reading your post made my mouth feel really dry!
often my teeth or Tongue or throat feels weird.
I get that feeling too of something being stuck in my throat, often i can't pin point it either.
one of my tonsils is a little swollen and my throat has a few little red dots too so maybe that might be cause, i really dont know at this point!
if it really bothers you, maybe you could get that camera down the throat or a throat scan?
but it's very common , also when anxious you can make your throat muscles tighten which could cause that sensation too.

28-04-11, 23:36
I don't think I've experienced quite what you're describing but sometimes I become ridiculously aware of my tongue... as though it's far too big for my mouth, I suppose. And without really realising I end up biting down on the sides of it - before I know it, I've no idea how it's ever fitted in my mouth and I'm convinced it's swollen!

The other thing I've been getting recently is the feeling of something being stuck halfway down my throat - or at least a narrowing there. Of course, this has made me think all sorts of things and I doubt my incessant poking is helping much but even before that it was bugging me. Not sure if this is anxiety or not!

02-05-11, 11:26
Thanks everyone for your comments.

Phwoffy - that's funny I've had exactly that problem in the past too. Ended up getting a sore on the side of my tongue at the back which made it even worse! But it did go.

I'm taking antibiotics at the moment because my doc thought I had a slight cut at the back of my throat which may be infected. However, the 'stuck' feeling isn't improving & I've been taking the antibiotics for 5 days, so I suspect I'll have to go back and see him again. Really don't want to have the camera down my throat, but if I have to...