View Full Version : Scented Toilet Roll Fears

Princess Sparkle
28-04-11, 22:53
This is going to sound bizarre, but I am sitting here freaking out over toilet paper. I was having a really good day today, anxiety-wise, until I began using the fresh roll of loo paper and realised that it had a funny smell. Kind of like it's scented paper, except it's not supposed to be scented. It's one of three rolls left from a pack of nine and I don't remember the other rolls smelling like this.

I hate strong smells - things like washing powder and perfumes and scented things really bother me. And I hate that the loo paper smells like this. I don't want to use it but I don't live alone and my family aren't going to be impressed if they see me throwing out three perfectly good loo rolls without a good explanation. I've already mentioned the smell but nobody else is bothered by it - they think the loo roll has just got a damp smell from being in the bathroom.

Worse still, I've kept sniffing the loo roll to check if the smell is gone (no, it's still there) and now I'm worried that breathing in this scent is going to make me ill!

I'm so mad at myself for getting like this over something so small and stupid, but smells really do bother me, apparently much more than most people (I'm often smelling things that others can't). Anyone else have this problem? And could anyone please reassure me that my loo roll sniffing is not going to hurt me?!

28-04-11, 22:58
I don't like the smell of toilet roll. It smells of processed cheap paper!! A smell can't harm you, although you might make your nose sore if you really sniff it because it probably has dust on it from sitting in your bathroom.

Princess Sparkle
28-04-11, 23:18
Yes, my nose is quite sore now. I hope it's just dust that's irritated it! I'm also wondering if it's going to be okay to use the funny-smelling loo paper. I really don't want to. Do you think it's safe to use? :unsure:

28-04-11, 23:38
I'm sure its perfectly safe to use. The very very worst that could happen with something so small is you'd get a rash, but if that's the case you could sue for a lot of money :)

You'll be fine, just dont buy that brand again. Some toilet rolls are scented anyway - my other half sometimes buys the lavender one... I loathe the smell of lavender :scared15:

Princess Sparkle
28-04-11, 23:42
Thank you! That has helped to reassure me a little. I'm going to try to get to sleep now and hopefully everything will smell better in the morning! :D