View Full Version : Going to a hair salon.

28-04-11, 22:54
Hi Everyone

Not sure if this is in the correct place or not, hmm. My man is treating me to a hair cut. Highlights, cut and blow dry. I have made myself an appointment and its for Tuesday.

I am worrying so much, I suppose those little things that go through your mind. hmm. What if they make a mess of it, what do you talk about, what happens if they ask you things that you don't know the answer too. What happens if I don't like my hair. hmmm.

Not sure, hmmm.


28-04-11, 23:09
hello Anita:)
know exactly how you feel . hate it !!
I found it better to tell the hairdresser I was nervous. they are nice people usually. They just chat about everyday stuff ...nothing to worry about .
have you any idea what you would like done? if not ..........just have small trim and nice highlights ....you will feel so lovely you know when done .
sip cold water ..read the magazines .......and if panicky just do your breathing slow and deep . A lot of the time you will be sitting peacefully waiting for the highlights to be done reading . no stress Anita .
you will be fine and feel so glad you went . xxxx:yesyes:

30-04-11, 16:21

Thanks for replying. I would like my hair cut like above the shoulders(its sort of down my back at the moment). My hair is a dark brown colour and im going to have red highlights, not sure if im going to have a light fringe or what not. hmm.

Im just dreading it really, what happens if I need the loo, etc. silly things. I will have to practise the techniques from my therapy lady. hmmm.


30-04-11, 16:32
Sounds like you are thinking out the problems and how you are going to cope. You will be great.

30-04-11, 17:36
Hi ,

red highlights will be really pretty Anita ...................and shoulder length hair gives you the option of wearing it up or down. fringe ? for me I would say yes .......perhaps just a feathery one ? easy to grow out if you dont like it .
re needing loo .......just say I need to use loo where is it ? ............whenever you need to . no worry even if in middle of blow dry . honest .
and nobody is going to criticize your hair ...........it sounds lovely as it is .xx
you will look fantastic when you come out ............and feel very rightly proud .
let us know how it goes x

01-05-11, 00:26
I find the hairdressers are really nice, they see a lot of people so I'm sure they are used to anxious people, also they are some what trained to be nice, comforting and reassuring.

01-05-11, 01:42
Hi Everyone

My man is treating me to a hair cut. Highlights, cut and blow dry. I have made myself an appointment and its for Tuesday.

I am worrying so much, I suppose those little things that go through your mind. hmm. What if they make a mess of it, what do you talk about, what happens if they ask you things that you don't know the answer too. What happens if I don't like my hair. hmmm.

You can always think of some questions/topics in advance in case you feel awkward, e.g: Did you watch the royal wedding? What did you think of the dress? Are you going away this year? What did you do over the bank holiday? That alone will probably keep them talking for quite a while!

And if you need the loo, just ask where it is. You certainly won't be the first person that has asked that question :)

Let us know how it goes!

02-05-11, 12:58

Thanks for replying to my post. Oh no, its tomorrow, eeek. I am having dream of having my hair done and turning into a disaster which ain't helping. I am dreading it really. I think this week for me is totally full of worry worry worry.


02-05-11, 13:38
You will be fine Anita - be sure to tell us how you get on

03-05-11, 10:30
Aww thanks, not long now, eekkk. My appointment is at 11.30, hmmm. OMG I have had a really bad sort of scalp past couple of days and can't get rid of the flakes. Things are going through my mind.

They might say ooh look at her scalp and things, silly I know. I am worried in case they say, ooh you will have to pay for this, that and the other and confuse me. hmm. All these things going through my mind.

03-05-11, 10:34
Relax Anita

They will not be worried about some flakes.

Don't think that they will confuse you hon as you know what you want done, which is more than I ever do.

You will be fine, plenty of deep breathes:)

04-05-11, 13:43

Just an update, I did go and did have to take deep breathes. I was still nervous and anxious mind. I was glad then they got it finished so I could go home. I liked my hair yesterday, today im not so sure. For some reason. hmmm.

04-05-11, 13:45
That's great! Well done!!

You're probably just getting used to your hair being different :)