View Full Version : Help!

14-04-06, 22:29
Hi guys.

Just looking for some support at the moment really. Feeling really down and scared and worried about everything. Just feel so alone : (



14-04-06, 22:42
Hi scooby

Your not alone. :D

Are you having a bad day?

Jo x

14-04-06, 22:43
Yeah a really bad day! Everyday is mostly bad, especially at night time I just feel really alone.


14-04-06, 22:46
You will never be alone while your a member at nmp

anything i can help with?

Jo x

14-04-06, 22:47
I don't know, to be honest no one can help, I tell so many people and I still have everything going on. Thanks for replying.


14-04-06, 22:50
if talking doesnt help, dont loose faith, someone can help and someone will help, dont think that there isnt help for you.


Jo x

14-04-06, 22:51
I used to think that but now I feel like giving up in a way, when you get rid of one problem another one comes and its just too much to deal with.


14-04-06, 22:58
I know its hard love and unfortunatly problems always arise, and it doesnt feel fair when they arrive at the same time but near enough every realistic problem can be solved.

Try to keep smiling :D lol

Jo x

14-04-06, 23:18
Loads for you there scooby.
Hey years ago I felt the same, thank god i never givein.
I used to say one day i will look back on these days and become a better person for it.
My life is so much better now, so don't give up and if you want any advice or someone to talk to p.m me I am always here, great listner aswell.

15-04-06, 08:18
Hi Scooby - so sorry to hear you were feeling down last night.
Hope you wake up to a better day today:)
Take Care
Love Helen

15-04-06, 09:32
Hi Scooby,

Hope you're feeling a bit better today and sorry you feel so low at the moment. Hang on in there. You're not on your own.

Coni X

15-04-06, 10:00
Hi Scooby

Just thought I'd drop you a line and show you some support, this bad time will pass hun so hang in there.

((((((((((((((((((((((((big hug))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Love Pinky