View Full Version : Please help me

28-04-11, 23:59
Hi there not sure if i am useing this right i just need some asap help
i have been on citalopram for around 3 years, as i had a minor operation that happend to leave the old me on the operating table. Ever since i sufferd panic attacks and major anxiety, no one in my family or more friends understand and im sure they think im nuts if i try and talk about it and my boyfriend just says relax get a grip.
about 3 years ago after my op i always thought i was terminaly ill and was up the hospital and doctors weekly. i did and still do crave reasurance, for some reason the word cancer freaks me out and i start a anxiety frenzie. well anyway the last year has been very good for me hardly any panik attacks and only a few episodes of feel really anxouse. i have moved out of home and live in a lovely house and have a wonderful job as a carer. i was hoping to start a family this year and wanting to come of my 20mg of citalopram well i went to my docs and got 10mg 5 days ago and have been taking them and OHH MY GOD i feel just like i felt 3 years ago. i feel spaced out shaky crying panicking i have has constant tension headaches, and now am struggling to get through the days. i feel like i am having a 6 hour long panick attack. my nan had severall newvouse break downs years back and i have always been living in fear that this could happen to me. Now i am down to 10mg and its only been 5 days i can not stand the way i feel i hate it, i cant even read my books that i love reading coz i cant concentrate i rush my food and want to cry and sleep. im not depressed but no it wont be long before i am as i feel sh!t.
i brought a new laptop 4 days ago and have refused to go on it because i dont want to ruin the excitment of turning it on etc coz the way i feel it wont be fun and exciting. i no people in my family will be disapointed if i higher the does of my drugs. i CAN NOT go back to how i was 3 years ago, anxiety ruined my life for 2 years i cant do it again and wont, i have loads of diazepam but i have an addictive personality so am scared of taken them. someone please give me some guidance i am going crazy every hour is a huge struggle thank you any help or support will be so gratefully recived please

29-04-11, 09:45
Hi Lisayellow,

This could well just be a response to coming off the citalopram - these drugs are well known to produce withdrawal symtoms that mimic anxiety - the good news is that you have a couple of options. You can discuss with your GP bringing the dose back up and trying again when you feel more secure or you can try and reduce your dose more slowly. The important thing to keep telling yourself is that these feelings will pass, they wont last adn dont mean that you are having a relapse. Its really important to discuss this symptoms with your GP - they are really common, you will just need to tweek your approach to coming off the Citalopram.

I hope you feel better soon xxx

29-04-11, 11:24
Poet has written a really good guide all about Citalopram. It's worth having a read as it will set your mind at rest I think. :)


29-04-11, 12:57
Thanks for the link. Very informative and so much of what was said has hit the mark.

29-04-11, 20:09
thanks for help guys had a better day but for some reason am now coming over all anxiouse for no reason this is so tough to deal with, i just really hope im not going mad. i do work with people with seroiuse mental health problems and do not wabnt to end up like them as its horrfific for them my worst feel is having mental breakdown, if someone said you will never have one im sure i would be anxiety free.