View Full Version : Heart issues back :(

29-04-11, 00:22
Ok so I haven't been on here for a long while as I have been doing well (yay me).

I am now almost half way through my pregnancy snd things are going fine apart from the dreaded heart issues are creeping back.

Today I have been getting forceful beats all day. A couple I got a head rush with. Been trying to ignore them but they keep coming and popping up.

It's almost like my heart is going along normally, I don't notice any stopping but suddenly a really strong beat will happen and this can happen a few times sn hour.

Does this sound like anything to worry about?

I mentioned it to the dr the other day and he had s quick listen to my chest and said he couldn't hear anything odd but they weren't this bad st the time abd it was z very brief momentary listen in, like a couple of seconds.

29-04-11, 16:36
I'm afraid I really don't know anything about it but all I can think is if the doc was concerned or even to reassure you he would have got you checked out love. Bit of a useless reply here,just wanted to let you know I listned xx

29-04-11, 16:46
hey hun ive also spoke to the doctor about a similar problem, it doesnt happen very often bt once every nw and then i feel it and it really shakes me up, my doctor has also checked me over and reassured me everything is normal so ive jus put it down to a side effect of the axiety, although im in no position to advise u medically i jus wanted t reassure u that ive also experienced this feeling and although it scares me at the time, im stil here and other than the anxiety im completely fine :) x

29-04-11, 17:19
It's a ventricular ectopic beat and it's nothing to worry about :)

29-04-11, 18:26
But they shouldn't be uncomfortable/ 'painful' should they or are they worse because I'm pregnant?

30-04-11, 12:54
They're very uncomfortable yeah but if you ignore it they will go away :)

There are loads of posts on here about ectopic beats, they're nothing to worry about and LOADS of people get them... you'll be fine :-)

30-04-11, 13:05
I'm not bothered about the beats as such more the 'pain' I get at the same time. Feels like a shock or like being stabbed. It's only a couple of seconds but I've never had that before abd I thought if they were painful they would be a problem. Plus they're in my left chest rather than centre like everyone seems to get.

30-04-11, 15:27
I've had quite a few painful ectopics, scared me really bad. I had one the other day actually.

I asked RLR about it a while ago and he was kind enough to explain in detail why ectopics/palps sometimes hurt.

Here's the link, RLR's reply is right at the bottom so have a read through it might put your mind at rest, I know it helped me loads. x


30-04-11, 20:22
It's no problem, glad it helped you! :) x

30-04-11, 20:39
My funny heart beats are definately worse now im pregnant, Im 25 weeks and totally feel it more. Your heart enlarges slightly during pregnancy and has to work harder which is perfectly normal and totally harmless but it does make you more aware of it.Ive lost count of the amount of heart attacks ive had, Im thinking im a medical marvel... Hope you are feeling better soon xxx

30-04-11, 21:02
I'm not bothered about the beats as such more the 'pain' I get at the same time. Feels like a shock or like being stabbed. It's only a couple of seconds but I've never had that before abd I thought if they were painful they would be a problem. Plus they're in my left chest rather than centre like everyone seems to get.

Just a quick reply from reading this you mention they're in the left of your chest - that should be reassuring because your heart is in the middle of your body and any serious heart related pain will always radiate from the middle of your chest.

01-05-11, 08:42
It is slightly to the left of the middle where it looks like the left part of the heart is on diagrams :(

01-05-11, 16:16
Did you read through RLR's reply about painful ectopics? x

01-05-11, 18:55
Yes I did thank you and I also posted my own message to him which he replied similar. I'm just worried at the frequency at which they are happening too. I've usually only had a couple a day max but I must be getting about 20 or so a day at the moment. Thing is I wasn't even stressed or anxious about anything when they started off. Obviously now they're getting me down.

01-05-11, 19:38
hi dodo im goin throught the same as u to ive had a lot of ectopics lately and very forceful ones to also palapations and lots of brethlessness over last few days im also pregnant in my 34th week i wasnt stressed or anx at the time of mine to i was just watching tv when they happened and now im feelin the same and probably makin it worse i find that if i have trapped wind i get them lots also worse when i eat i get the palps startin to feel like not eating the breathlessness is also gettin to me a bit maybe cos im gettin fatter lol

02-05-11, 22:07
Bless you, I remember what that's like. Not looking forward to it especially as it will be summer. Might just hide away ;) I will fully expect to get them then, I just can't understand why it is happening like this already. Today has been a slightly better day. Had a lot of missed beats after I'd had my dinner; felt like something was just forcing itself up. Ignored them abd they and the pressure feeling went away eventually. Was difficult to do though, but they weren't 'painful' this time, just regular ones.

I wonder if they appear 'painful' because of the extra blood circulating around my body?

08-05-11, 19:05
thats possible cos i seem to be gettin more now and i think cos maybe gettin anxious about birth im not lookin forward to it lol i think its worse for people with anx cos with all the body changes we have in pregnancy its even more hightened plus food takes even longer to digest our stomachs are full ive heared about the vegus nerve and i defo feel more palps after ive eaten i told my dr about the ectopics she didnt seem to worried but now im antibiotics for a bloody sinus infection typical lol

08-05-11, 19:23
im sure its fine, ive had this constantly for 3 months now and had so many tests on my heart and the docs have put it down to my anxiety :)