View Full Version : Hi i'm new here

29-04-11, 04:34
Hi my name's Paul and for many years now i've suffered from severe panic attacks,chronic anxiety,ocd and paranoia.I haven't been able to work as a result and like many fellow sufferers i've been claiming disability benefits.I've become absolutely obsessed by the Work Capability Assessments that ATOS on behalf of the DWP have been carrying out for people on disability benefits.For i've heard that many people like me actually lose their benefits and are made to look for work.Yet i can't work and the mere thought of it makes me feel suicidal.My GP has said he'll support me should i face the dreaded summons from ATOS but i still worry about it constantly.Everytime the postman comes i breathe a sigh of relief that i haven't been sent the dreaded brown envelope.

I did work for 17 years before becoming too ill to work so it's not like i'm a skiver.I paid my taxes like everyone else.But i'm really terrified about what's going to happen to me.I know there are many people in the same boat as me so i'd be really grateful for any feedback on how to deal with this.Thanks.

29-04-11, 04:35
Hi PB1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-04-11, 04:55
Thanks Nichola for the friendly welcome.I know there's a lot of us in the same boat . Hoping that will help me keep things in perspective. :smile: