View Full Version : sacred it's cervical cancer

29-04-11, 14:25
Hi everyone i've bled heavy after sex twice had normal pap smear last year but really sacred

29-04-11, 14:54
Please do not think it's cervical cancer..it's silly to think that both are related..how about you go to your gyno and see what they say....

29-04-11, 15:02
I been doctors loads he said to keep an eye on it which has made me worry more xx

29-04-11, 15:05
That is really bizarre...and a normal pap you say? Perhaps get a second opinion with another doctor?

I hate to intrude..but is it happening only when certain acts are done..? Perhaps new acts are causing it?

29-04-11, 15:44
Hi last month when I had it it's really hurt this month it was a couple of days before my period was due which I'm now late but pregnancy test was negative. Yes my smear was normal xx

29-04-11, 15:48
could be anything really but i wud very much doubt its cervical cancer! seeing as u had a normal pap just a year ago. however i do agree in u going back for second opinion. just to put ure mind at ease? or it cud be uterine polyps. which frequently causes bleeding after sex or cud be fibroids aswel, harmful of course not life threatning! u see cud be many things so pop back to ure docs :) and try not to worry

29-04-11, 15:49
also cud it of hurt beause u were thinking of it too much?? this causes u to tense up

29-04-11, 16:10
Ok thanku he did say he dint think it was fibroids cus I have not bled at all during sex this past month. Thanks for all your help xx

29-04-11, 18:12
do you use lubricant or lubricated condoms? sometimes they can be irritating and cause reactions like you are having or something called cervicitis...which is just an iritation of the cervix. I used to have similar problems but after my husband had a vascetomy and we stopped using comdoms the problems stopped.

29-04-11, 18:18
Hi we have been using ky he has been refered for snip. Last month I bled after sex mid cycle for a couple of hours then bled on and off for after I went to toilet for a few days and after swabs then obviously this month xx