View Full Version : Queries and Worries

29-04-11, 16:34
Following an initial panic attack in Oct 2009 I have had relatively clear free period. The last few months though they have resurfaced, only this time they are more frequent, last longer and now have started impacting on my sleep.

In additional to the usual symptoms (dizziness, fear, disorientation) the one overwhelming worry is that my heart is about to give up. This is compounded by a “wave” like feeling that sweeps across my stomach and chest. It is a bit similar to going to quickly over a hump backed bridge, or losing altitude in plane turbulence.

It is this feeling / fear that is now making me scared to sleep.

Does anyone else experience this?

I’m at the point where a visit to the doctor yesterday resulted in a prescription for Citalopram (20mg / day). First one today and I’ve been hit with the worst attack I’ve had in 16 months. It’s only after 2 ½ hours things are starting to calm down but the feeling of dizziness and detachment are still prevalent.

Is this likely to be a coincidence ? Having read various threads on this medication there are some horror stories out there. I’ve already got reservations on taking them off the back of today, particularly with a trip into London scheduled for tomorrow. Plus there’s no way I could ride a week (or more) of this out at work if the medication is exacerbating the problem.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Also, reading up on attacks, the indication is 10 minutes duration up to 30 minutes but mine last a lot longer. Do others experience the same ?

Any assistance would be appreciated. I really do feel like my whole sanity is having a rug pulled from beneath it.


29-04-11, 17:41
I know my panic attacks can last longer than 10 minutes. My heart was pounding so fast several days ago that it took more than a half an hour to get it to calm down. Then you are left with all that adrenaline and shakiness.

29-04-11, 20:42
I have been having panic attacks and can empathise with you. I took citalapram for a long time untill I started getting serious leg cramps and my gp has changed me over to sertraline. i feel as though i am going to have a heart attack or just pass out and it takes ages for the feelings to go... depending on wether there is a source controlling them or if they seem to be random. cinap

29-04-11, 22:18
Both, thanks you for your comments. Appreciated....really appreciated.

Already, this site has been a massive help. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to find out that I’m feeling the same as many, many people.

I honestly thought I would be carted off this afternoon by men in coats…(if the impending heart attack didn’t get me first)……

Things are OK now, (some 10 hours after starting) although I feel whacked out. It seems easy(ier) now to wonder what all the fuss was about.

Trouble is, there’s an apprehension building that these attacks are going to feature more regularly, so I need get a grip on that pretty quickly.

Thanks again.


29-04-11, 22:40
Hi MJD .You may find taking 10mg of Cit to start with better ,as it does make your anxiety worse for a few weeks .I had terrible panic attacks when I started on it .Unfortunately it can often make you feel worse until it kicks in ..Once you feel yourself calming down a bit then increase up to 20mg .Try to keep occupied and enjoy your day out .It will all pass eventually .T/c Sue x

30-04-11, 03:07

Anti-depressants usually make you worse before you feel better, but the end result is usually worth it. Unfortunately they can take a while to kick in. I take Sertraline and I didn't get any benefit until five weeks later, but I did get a lot better. You can always follow other users experience on the NMP forum at Medications-Citalopram. There is a lot of help and support from other members on there.

I have experienced high anxiety for longer periods without it being a full-blown panic attack. When physical symptoms are quite bad I find the added worry of 'I feel awful, am I going to have a heart attack?' makes it worse and gets me caught in a cycle of anxiety. I take a beta-blocker (Propranolol) in addition to the anti-depressant, which my doc gave me to help reduce the physical anxiety symptoms. I did find this helped. Maybe that is something you could ask your GP about?
