View Full Version : Feeling so down :(

29-04-11, 18:07
I'm so fed up, had sore throat for a while and just keep getting really exhausted all the time. Keep feeling hot, but my skins not hot to touch and no high temp. So worried it's serious!! This thought terrorfies me as I have 3 young children, amazing husband and family and I'm scared of leaving them all behind:weep:(

29-04-11, 18:33
Hello Dreena ,

please please dont fret about the C word and other illnesses will you?

you have 3 young children ......if that isnt a recipe for exhaustion I will eat my words :blush:
sounds to me as if you are run down Dreena ...............and anxiety is making you scared and vulnerable xx
you need rest which isnt on the agenda of course with young ones I know.
try tonight to have a long bath with some nice soap etc ..........do your breathing ...........and tell them horrid thoughts to shoo !!! I DO .

And see your doc ...not cos I think there is something serious ........just for reassurance and advice ..............not all low grade infections have raging temperatures .
take care xxxx

29-04-11, 19:02
Thank u so much for this message back! Just what I needed! Once we get the kids to bed Im gonna go and have a bath and read a mag! Much needed x

29-04-11, 19:29
Hi Dreena
Any viral or bacterial throat infection will drain you of energy, just because you show no signs of infection such as high temperature does not mean that you have not had one. Get tested for glandular fever etc as that can make you feel very ill for a long time.