View Full Version : really need help some reassurance

linda a
29-04-11, 19:29
guys iam back again i really need some help and reassurance in the last week or so my symptoms seem more intense..
iam waking up lightheaded like iam heavy headed eyes dont want to focus then i stay lightheaded.iam ok laying down til i get up iamso scared somethings really wrong...my new symptom is eye thing it like when i look around it takes a min for vision to catch or or something jusst things dont seem right sometimes things look wavey or something just weird vision its freaking me out is this anxiety ... sometimes i feel like iam moving but not freaky ..
ive been drs alot had 3 neuro test where they check reflexes and strenghth and walk a straight line i passed all 3
i had blood work 2 times all good.
ive been ent dr 8 times i do have allergies and always little stuffy but ent said it wasnt the cause and so did 4 other drs ugh iam so desperate to know if anxiety truely can cause ll this be anxiety ... or something the drs missing this vision thing is freaking me out and lightheadedness...
i also had echo and ekg had my ears checke 50 or more times,,,
how do i make this stop will it go away or will i have it forever iv had it 9 months ...sorry so long \

29-04-11, 22:26
If the doctors have done the tests, and it appears by your post that they have, you need to trust that it is just the anxiety and when you start relaxing and stop fearing the symptoms, they will settle down. I know, easier said than done.