View Full Version : is this a panic attack again after 10 years :(

29-04-11, 21:04
hi there i had my first panic attack/s at the age of just 16 whilst on a family holiday i got so bad thinking i was going to die and not being able to breath that we had the doctor called out twice to me both times thay put me to sleep and i woke up next morning bright as a button but slipped every night into the feeling of not being able to breath worrying about heart attack's and not waking up in the morning any way i seemed to grow out of this or get over it as the years went passed and ive been absolute fine haw ever 10 years on naw for only a few mins at the evening and sometimes through the day i feel though my chest is closing although there is no pain on my chest more by my throut i think about the worst although no way near as bad as the first time arround i kind of control it as i know its not going to kill me once i get in the right frame of mind it passes and i feel fine like on top of the world only part i dont under stand is i get a running nose also

i got over most of my bad patches when i was well aware of every breath i took by telling my self aslong as i was breathing i was still alive :( seems stupid naw but i dont get that problem no more well aslong as this chest thing dont snow ball into the worse case any help on this matter i would be very greatfull

30-04-11, 03:22
Is there anything that might be triggering this? Have you been under a lot of stress that might have raised your general anxiety level so you are prone to panics again? I would go and see the doctor in case it's something like asthma which they can give you something for. If you get told it's just your anxiety, then at least you know what you are dealing with.
