View Full Version : Panic attacks with noisy children

29-04-11, 21:58
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could help or if anyone has a similar experience. Whenever I hear children cry or make noise, I get extremely anxious, to the point of having a panic attack. I have just come back from the supermarket and there were a couple of babies screaming constantly. I instantly felt sick upon hearing this and wanted to get out as soon as possible. The screaming continued and then I went outside to wait for a taxi and there was a boy shouting at his mother and it made it worse. Whenever I hear children make noise like this, I panic. I don't know why. I'm not a fan of young children, at an age where they aren't socialised, probably because a lot of parents don't control them and allow them free reign, but I have never experienced anything like that.

Please help x

01-05-11, 16:57
i cant say i have experienced that but loud children and panic attacks dont exactly mix, i have 3 kids and when i experience a panic attack and my children are loud.. whether they are misbehaving or just wanting my attention or baby crying etc it makes me worse because all i am focusing on is how i feel.. which is really scared and the sensations that something bad is going to happen. I know when i have been shopping and i feel like theres too many people there or its too loud i start to feel anxious and it sets a panic attack off. I know this sounds daft but maybe your already feeling anxious in general and hearing sounds like this is just making it feel worse? Therefore it might not be set off because of screaming babies etc. If that makes sense?

01-05-11, 17:09
It might help to try distraction techniques when you are out. When we are ill with panic and anxiety sounds will seem to be amplified. There will always be children around and you won't be able to escape them unless you stay in all the time. This is not an option. Young children have shrill loud voices and that is part of being a child. Babies usually cry for a reason. When you are feeling a little better you will focus less on the chidren/babies. If you are in the supermarket you could try wearing your ipod so that you could play some soothing music or relaxation cd? I hope you feel better soon. EJ.