View Full Version : Can a UTI cause rib pain?

29-04-11, 23:24
Hi all,

Following on from my lower back and stomach pains, I returned to the UK to find that they hadn't subsided so I rang the surgery who could only offer me a nurse's appointment. Luckily it's a nurse I've seen often and understands anxiety to a T, having been through it herself. She asked me if the doctor I saw in US had performed a urine test. I told her that he had not, and had diagnosed me with muscle spasms.
Straight away she pulled out a tube and told me to go to the bathroom! As soon as I returned she tested it in front of me and told me I had a urine infection and prescribed me some antibiotics which I've been taking.

I told the nurse I'd had stomach and rib pains which she said could be caused by tensing due to anxiety. Has anyone else experienced this as a result of anxiety or a UTI?

This is a premature worry as I'm only on my 2nd day of taking the antibiotics and don't feel worried when my kidneys hurt as I know that must be the UTI and I'm drinking lots of water, also I heard UTIs can cause back pain but it's the rib pain I'm unsure about.

Thanks xx

29-04-11, 23:41
Ive never had rib pain with a UTI .But have had it below my Ribs with IBS , and ALSO higher up due to tense muscles when ive been anxious .Im sure it will settle down within a few days to a week .Try applying a heat pad or hot water bottle on the area .It will help :).T/c Sue x

03-05-11, 19:35
Thanks Suzy,
I can't help but think I've got something wrong with my stomach now as the stomach pains occur when I'm eating, like it must be really tender and hurts when the food touches it.
My stomach acid this time around wasn't around for more than a day and disappeared after I took antacids so it doesn't seem like it would have been around long enough to damage any stomach tissue?
This bout of HA has been my longest and has lasted nearly 2 months now, every day my thoughts are controlled by Cancer or Diabetes, I also have a lump on my foot which I need to get checked out and a strange rash on my hand. Can't imagine ever feeling normal again :-( x

03-05-11, 20:55
I am no medical expert, but I'd be surprised if a bit of stomach acid would damage the stomach. Stomachs contain some quite potent acid which is used in digestion. If you are getting stomach pains when you eat, I wonder if it's because you are so tense?

Let the antibiotics do their stuff I reckon and see how you feel. Hot water bottle is excellent advice and I highly recommend it!

05-05-11, 20:19
Thank you Lindy, went to the doctor today and he suspects IBS and has prescribed me medication to relieve the cramping.

The lump on my foot turns out to be a ganglion cyst and when I told him I was worried about my immune system being low he replied that I'd had a blood test done nearly 2 years ago and the results came back fine so that there was no problem. This guy is the only doctor I trust so if he's happy then I guess I should be, never knew blood test results could last so long though, I know people who have to have them regularly but I guess what I was tested for 'immunity-wise' don't need to be taken so regularly?
My counsellor said I need to learn to take the pressure off myself. Will happily sell my house to anyone who can tell me how to do this ;-)