View Full Version : Anxiety around noisy children

30-04-11, 00:24
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could help or if anyone has a similar experience. Whenever I hear children cry or make noise, I get extremely anxious, to the point of having a panic attack. I have just come back from the supermarket and there were a couple of babies screaming constantly. I instantly felt sick upon hearing this and wanted to get out as soon as possible. The screaming continued and then I went outside to wait for a taxi and there was a boy shouting at his mother and it made it worse. Whenever I hear children make noise like this, I panic. I don't know why. I'm not a fan of young children, at an age where they aren't socialised, probably because a lot of parents don't control them and allow them free reign, but I have never experienced anything like that.

Please help x

30-04-11, 00:34
I don't get panic attacks when kids cry, but I do feel really anxious when they're about. I often stop walking and just stand still when they are running around so they don't bump into me, then quickly try and get away from them. I don't think their parents shouting at them really helps the situation :(

30-04-11, 00:55
My wife is a nanny.

We have two kids.

Babies scream for a number of reasons.


Being in a supermarket in a trolley would make them cry, especially near food time.

don't worry about babies - they really are tougher than you think.


30-04-11, 01:34
Thanks guys, I just find the noise really distressing and it has started to generalise to all noise children make. Even if it's happy noises, I'm very conscious that they may soon end up crying and screaming,which I find very difficult to deal with and hard to ignore.

30-04-11, 02:03

It doesn't make me have panic attacks but it does make me angry noisy children and frustrated that their parents obviously have no control over them and think its acceptable.

30-04-11, 08:12

It doesn't make me have panic attacks but it does make me angry noisy children and frustrated that their parents obviously have no control over them and think its acceptable.

Same as me , i also hate it when parents see there kids doing something wrong and say "oh don,t do that " and they just carry on doing it . Some parents have no control as they can,t be bothered i think , its easier to give in . My kids are well behaved as we have brought them up this way and they have never had a red backside in the process !

On the other hand i know some children are more difficult to control (if thats the right word) than others , perhaps we have been lucky ?

30-04-11, 13:18
I find the sound of a crying child upsetting, and can aggravate my anxiety if I'm bad at the time. I suppose you feel empathy with the child and it mirrors how you feel inside when its screaming, but you do not show your true feelings in your public persona.

oh no_1
30-04-11, 13:56
Im a teacher.... and hate to see any of my children upset but i guess i could say teaching is one of only positive things in my life.... i worked so hard to be one, and love them.

30-04-11, 16:21
Polite and well behaved children are fine, it's just when they're crying and screaming and their parents make no effort to sooth or talk to them, it really stresses me out, and these are the people who tend to have multiple children. I feel like I have no choice but not to go to the supermarket as a result.