View Full Version : intrusive thought pls help me

30-04-11, 01:41
hi pls i need some advice on how to get rid of intrusive thoughts its been a wyl since i have this and its killing me..im tired and life destroyer..cant enjoy things that i used to enjoy even relationships is affected..pls..its started when an acquaintance of mine died last nov.....and it scares me...until now could still imagine her face and could hear my mind is whispering her name.......i wanna end this but how...pls pls..i need peace of mind.....wanna be back with my old happy self.............pls pls.......ive been praying a lot for this,...pls.....................i need help........

30-04-11, 01:43
could have this thought every minute even wen taking shower,sitting,eating,and too bad cant sleep because of thispls....is this treatable??????/or ill be having this forever???it SUCKS..pls help everyone

30-04-11, 01:47
pls i need ur help so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

02-05-11, 16:34
Have you spoken to anyone about this at all? xx

02-05-11, 23:11
yup to my husband but dey dont believe me they just think its craziness...

03-05-11, 02:37
Probably a good idea to see your doctor. It might help to be on anti-depressants or some other kind of medication. These can take a while to work but are usually worth it in the long run.