View Full Version : Sugar rush / crash / food allergies / intolerances

30-04-11, 10:11
I've always had a sweet tooth ever since i was little had chocolate or biscuits after everything but then when i lost my appetite i haven't had any chocolate for months but recently i my appetite has returned & all am craving is sweet stuff anyway whenever i give into these cravings and have a biscuits usually a few cookies or choc digestives or a bar of choc the cravings die down but then within minutes of eating it i get this full body rush like a bad panic attack coming over me my whole body trembles i sweat and feel all shakey then when its dying off i go so so tired and could just sleep the rest of the day and get a bad headache....
now am starting to worry why this is happening ?? could i be allergic to sugar i no my bloods at the doc's show high allergies but we don't no what until i go the allergy clinic and am still waiting on my appointment but like i said this has only started happening the past few days.... or is it just an overload of to much sugar as i wake up have a bowl of porridge with loads sugar on top with a cup of tea with one sugar and then a bar of chocolate or some biscuits that's all for breakfast then i get that sugar rush feeling ??

30-04-11, 12:39
Hi Honeypie, it sounds like a massive sugar rush and then a drop, to me. That's quite a lot of sugar to have for breakfast.

Why don't you try eating more natural stuff that doesn't have refined sugar added to it, and see if you feel different?

30-04-11, 13:20
It sounds like hyperglycema, or high blood sugar. You should watch your sugar intake (coming from a diabetic who had a big bag of mini eggs today!) It can make you jittery and feel strange like just before a panic attack. The sugar in chocolate etc makes blood sugar come down quickly and thats probably why you feel tired and get a headache afterwards.

I doubt you have diabetes (type 2) yet but it doesn't sound like your body is coping well with high sugar intakes and you could be on the road to developing it. Exercise, weight loss and "boring" foods help, as they are long lasting sugars. Try some sweetner in your coffee and breakfast.

30-04-11, 14:18
It sounds like hyperglycema, or high blood sugar. You should watch your sugar intake (coming from a diabetic who had a big bag of mini eggs today!) It can make you jittery and feel strange like just before a panic attack. The sugar in chocolate etc makes blood sugar come down quickly and that's probably why you feel tired and get a headache afterward's.

I doubt you have diabetes (type 2) yet but it doesn't sound like your body is coping well with high sugar intakes and you could be on the road to developing it. Exercise, weight loss and "boring" foods help, as they are long lasting sugars. Try some sweetner in your coffee and breakfast.

its only been happening past few days exercise maybe but weight loss NO NO as i only weigh just over 6st now as it is :huh: i no what you mean about the strange feeling like your about to have a panic attack that's how i feel when this happens & i just cant get rid of this shakey feeling then for the rest of the day my dad is diabetic i've last has my bloods done over month ago they were all fine & now docs are shut how else cud i find out if i am diabetic ??

30-04-11, 14:20
this morning i made sure i never topped the whole of my porridge with sugar so i just used half a teaspoon of sugar and never had any sugar in my cup of tea so thats a good start x

30-04-11, 14:22
Honey the other posters think that the amount of sugar you are consuming is causing problems not that you have diabetes.

You are taking in too much sugar too quickly for your body to deal with it effectively.

30-04-11, 14:53
this morning i made sure i never topped the whole of my porridge with sugar so i just used half a teaspoon of sugar and never had any sugar in my cup of tea so thats a good start x

That's a really good start, Honeypie.

The way you feel when you eat a lot of sugar is natural - your body releases a load of insulin to cope with the sugar, and this is what makes you feel hyper (and in your case panicky). Then once the insulin has done its job, you get the crash, where you feel tired, maybe a bit deflated and hungry. And then you start the process all over again by eating more sugar.

Obviously I'm not a doctor, but I don't think it is diabetes or anything more sinister. It's a natural response to lots of sugar, esp. on an empty stomach.

Good thing is, you have the capability to change what you eat, so you don't feel so yuck :)

30-04-11, 16:58
Hi Honeyple
If your dad is a diabetic does he have to test his own sugar as my friend as got one of those pens that you prick your finger and it will measure your sugar
But I dont think it is diabetis I think it is two much sugar at the same time and that is what is causing it
You will be okay


30-04-11, 17:30
I hope am not diabetic but I dnt like this feeling everytime I eat some sort of sugar stuff I haven't had any since this morning and now just made a cup of tea with no sugar and had 3choc digestives and got that rush of adrenaline again :( I have just tested my blood sugar on my dads diabetic thing and it was 4.2 which is normal.. So I dnt no what or why it has started to do this but it is scaring me am still waiting for my allergy clinic as to find out what am allergic to maybe it is whatever is in choc etc or maybe its all just in the head I dnt no cos b4 I even eat anything the thoughts are running round my head about will I get that rush again ? As its the same feelings as a panic attack pounding heart light-headed. Neg thoughts!! And tight stomach I just dnt no what it is but I no I dnt like it and dnt want it but I can't stop these sugar cravings any other way :( but today has been cut right down compared to what I was eatin usually,, hopefully soon I will be eating fruit instead..
Dahlia your right about after I've eaten the junk food I totally crash & then am starving straight away again am gonna try eating PROPER HEALtHY foods an then have a little choc snack afterwards :) I can try xx

30-04-11, 18:01
Also my IBS when I do have a cookie/ biscuit etc my stomach swells up straight away and I get the worse smelly wind ever,,,,
Just made myself 2small ham rolls and I've just gone dead panicky soon as I ate them cos my mind just won't stop over-thinking and also very constipated!!

30-04-11, 18:09
Hi Honeyplye
You need to start and eat proper food like cooked meals and plenty of fruit I know it is hard but you will have to try and see how you get on
I always cook a meal everyday which is either chicken fish or meat and veg and potatoes and also have some fruit after it.


30-04-11, 18:16

4.2 is quite low actually. My nurse says under 4.0 is hypo (too low) but don't be worried about it, its normal for it to go up and down and it depends on when you last ate. 5-5.6 is around normal, but thats an average and most of the time you will be higher or lower.

It sounds like you are anticipating a rush now before you are eating anything sugary. I dont think you have diabetes as you would have other symptoms.

I have lactose intollerance and a few others, there is lactose in cookies I'm pretty sure, especially if its chocolate chip! Try cutting anything with lactose out for a while. Wheat and Yeast are the two other big ones that people are intollerant of.

I had a York Test once, my mum won it on the radio! Its expensive though at £250 but gives you a list of what you are intollerant to and a severity scale of how intollerant you are.

30-04-11, 20:04
Hi Mike
That is the one I had done with York Tests and mine came back that I am intollerence to Nuts and also Seseme Seeds could not understand the seseme seeds one as I thouight I never eat them but it is the oils that is used in alot of cooking.


30-04-11, 20:50
I remember one of my lower intollerances was mollusc mix and I never eat any seafood or anything like that so I don't know where they got that from. But perhaps it was a very minor ingredient in something else I ate not associated with seafood!

30-04-11, 21:59

4.2 is quite low actually. My nurse says under 4.0 is hypo (too low) but don't be worried about it, its normal for it to go up and down and it depends on when you last ate. 5-5.6 is around normal, but thats an average and most of the time you will be higher or lower.

It sounds like you are anticipating a rush now before you are eating anything sugary. I dont think you have diabetes as you would have other symptoms.

I have lactose intollerance and a few others, there is lactose in cookies I'm pretty sure, especially if its chocolate chip! Try cutting anything with lactose out for a while. Wheat and Yeast are the two other big ones that people are intollerant of.

I had a York Test once, my mum won it on the radio! Its expensive though at £250 but gives you a list of what you are intollerant to and a severity scale of how intollerant you are.

my doctor done me a full blood test which came back as high allergies but we dont no what to ???? as they only test the four main ones wheat/ eggs / soyabeans / milk they all came back negative :huh: so i am waiting for my appointment from the allergy clinic who said can take up 2 20 weeks i think i have been waiting since feb now but then the doc said if they dont think i have an allergy after reading my notes then they wont call me in they will just send my notes back to my docs :weep:
but i do get it all into my head even before i eat anything and then 99% of the time i feel the symptoms of what i was thinking before i ate its all mind over matter x
i just wish it would all go away !! the lactose i already use lactofree milk in my tea etc i dont eat yogurts really or any other dairy foods

01-05-11, 09:33
I forgot to say i did buy a food intollerance test and once i done it the one they only was coloured in minor was WHEAT and this just said i have to limit wheat well i have eaten wheat now since about xmas time and the past three days the biscuits i was eating was normal choc hobnobs or cookies both made with wheat as i usually have gluten free biscuits anyway the sugar rushes started the same day i ate the normal biscuits maybe it could be something to do with that or the fact it was all in my mind before i even ate the i worried about what the wheat will do to me etc....
this is morning i got up 4am & made a bowl porridge (just 1/2 teaspoon sugar ) no sugar in my tea :D then 5.45am i had 1/2 an easter egg.. then 9am had a cup of tea & 5 small gluten free digestive biscuits (no sugar rush or anythin off any of them when i ate the easter egg my mind started to think but i told myself to shut up)
am still constipated :blush: stomach is killing & lat nyt had bad trapped wind feeling in stomach & worse nausea ....
so maybe it was the wheat and not the sugar ??