View Full Version : Heart palpitations and anxious

30-04-11, 11:38
Hi i had a bit of a drinking session yesterday and today am feeling anxious with heart palpitations and stomach feels delicate is this all related to the alcohol i consumed, can it also trigger of ibs symptoms as i suffer with that too. Also had chicken kebab meat and chips so bit of overindulgence has occured.

Anyones thoughts would be appreciated.

30-04-11, 12:51
Yeah alcohol is a stimulant so you can get palpitations with it. Doctors often call it holiday heart, as many people who overindulge abroad end up coming back to palpitations where their body is over tired.

As for the stomach, it's a hangover :D This is what alcohol does to our tummies, you'll feel better tomorrow :)

30-04-11, 13:13
thanks i don't do it very often and can see why now.