View Full Version : Symptoms of anxiety

30-04-11, 13:05
I am new to the forum, and would like to tell you about the symptoms I am experiencing.
I have had a new pacemaker box fitted at the end of February. About 5 days later I began to experience lightheadedness and then this was followed by a spaced out feeling. Obviously my first thought was that there was something wrong with the pacemaker. Anyway 8 weeks down the line the doctors are saying there is nothing wrong with the pacemaker. I have also started to notice new symptoms eg before an attack I get a pain in the top of my nose like sinusitis. Also I can get a sudden weakness in various parts of my body like arms or legs. My GP is now querying a type of migraine where you do not get the headaches, although I can sometimes get a muzzy headache later. He has started me on propranolol 3 days ago, which have chilled me out a bit but I have had another attack yesterday. I can sometimes go 2 days in between but no longer. Has anyone got any advice please?

01-05-11, 01:14
Welcome to NMP :)

Sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it. :hugs: My advice would be to accept your doctors verdict of everything being non life threatening. Harder to do than it is to say I know but you CAN do it.

When my panic/anxiety first began, I'd have a lot of panic attacks which brought on a whole load of awful sensations, but just over a year on I can sit here and say I've only had one major panic attack in the past few months, so there is light at the end of the long dark tunnel.

There's a lot of self help books around that you might want to pick up so you can start to treat an anxiety problem, I have one and it's really good. Maybe ask your doctor about CBT or there's a self help course this site recommends here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91696

If you're having frequent attacks, you're obviously under a HUGE amount of stress and anxiety so I'd go out and buy yourself some lavander oil, nice bubble baths anything that relaxes you and makes you feel good. Get some sunshine and some light exercise, exercise is REALLY good for anxiety. Yoga is amazing for it too, it's exercise and it helps you learn to control your breathing, very calming!

Remember that your attacks, no matter how scary, can't physically harm you even though it feels like it definatley can. No one's ever died from a panic attack! :) When you feel one coming on, instead of reacting to the sensations try to ignore them because reacting only leads to more panic and more awful sensations and it just escalates into a truley terrifying situation. Try not to let your mind race and think calming thoughts like you're safe, it can't harm you, it's just your body's reaction to stress and panic.

I hope you find the support you're looking for here to help you along the way to getting better, I've no doubt you will! I hope everything starts to ease up for you, take care xx

01-05-11, 03:04
Not sure they all fit panic and anxiety. I get migraines, and they seem to relate to stress. My panic is very specific and distinct.

So see the docs or change doctors. It should be unnecessary to live with pain that can be treated.