View Full Version : 3 weeks into Cipralex and feeling really strange! Please reassure us:(

30-04-11, 16:48
Hey guys

My b/f is 3 weeks into his a/d and today feeling the worst ever!

He said he feels so weird, he is getting so upset because he is so scared of how he is feeling. he said he is aware of anything around him :-( He has an overwhelming feeling of being frightened too.

Any idea what this is and is it likely to pass?

He is keeping himself busy trying to distract himself but not having much luck.

I am running out of things to say and stay positive. Please tell me we are going to see some positive soon :weep::weep::weep:

He is also taking Clonazepam twice a day 1mg. I checked his blood pressure earlier and it was av at 107/65. Is this low for a 30 yr old male or ok?


30-04-11, 17:00

Have a look at this thread.

I found it to be a huge help.
