View Full Version : here i go again

30-04-11, 19:11
Monday morning off to centre parcs in the lake district, so looking forward to it have,nt been on holiday for a long while now, its the dreaded journey m6 all the way , i can,t even sit in the front of the car cus i,m worse then so in the back is where i,ll be stressing . used to take diazapam but really felt spaced out , any advice would be much appreciated.

30-04-11, 20:35
Hi domino.
How about studying a map and planning some stops so that the journey is in bite size chunks.
Also count how many yellow cars you spot. I do this with daughter and it's surprising how a journey passes with this kind of mundane 'fun'.
Hope you have a great break
Chris x

30-04-11, 22:53
:) thankyou chris for your reply , as daft as this sounds once i,m on a motorway i prefer to keep going as stopping prolongs the anxiety, hubby reckons it should take around two and a half hours ,i know that once i,m there i can breath a sigh of relief.

07-05-11, 19:39
well i,m back from my break at centre parcs, had a bit of a panic on the outward journey, but coped really well on the return journey:yesyes: