View Full Version : New to Citalopram - HELP!

30-04-11, 19:15

I realise that there are a thousand threads asking for advice on Citalopram and a thousand threads explaining that 'the side effects do disappear' but honestly this has got to be the worst experience ever!

I'm more or less bed bound because I am so dizzy, I'm more anxious than I've ever been, I have ringing in my ears and I have this weird sensation that something is stuck in my throat. Are these normal and how long do they go on for? I'm only on day 4 and on 20mg. I'm seriously thinking about coming off them already as I was honestly truly better off before.

Any advice or similar experiences or reassurance would be great, I'm a full time teacher and feeling like this off medication that is supposed to make you feel better would seriously effect my job.

Thanks :)

30-04-11, 19:29

Here is a link to a thread that I found to be very helpful.


30-04-11, 19:36
Hi mallan, I think you have started on too high a dose, you should try 10mg a day for a couple of weeks, as the side effects are clearly too much for you. i started on 10mg, but i have heard of some people starting on 5mg. talk to your gp if you are worried, but i do think that starting on 20mg is too high. hope this helps. take care:hugs:

30-04-11, 20:41
Hi mallan,
I agree that maybe you should cut back to 10mg daily for a little while. Just break a tablet in half, I stuck on 10mg for about 3 weeks even though 20mg was prescribed and despite still having some side effects, they were manageable and the transition to 20mg was straight forward. Best wishes, it is a bit rubbish initially. but hopefully it'll be as helpful as it was for me!

04-05-11, 15:06
Hang in there, i started on 20mg 7 weeks ago and although i'm still not free from anxiety the side effects have lessened. The first couple of weeks were very tough for me and i was signed off work but you'll get through it. it does get better!

04-05-11, 15:29
Mallam has stopped taking Cit now .Just saving anyone else the bother of posting ..Sue