View Full Version : There is hope.

30-04-11, 19:22
Hi there, just thought I'd post a few words of encouragement to those of you suffering from panic attacks.
I used to suffer from these for over a year after I had an unfortunate accident. It was one of the worst times of my life and I can honestly say my heart goes out to you who suffer.No one can imagine the awful feelings that occur.
Anyway, here's the good news, after a lot of time and the help of panic no more and the use of the odd diazepam things have become a million times.
So please don't give up hope or be despondent, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

30-04-11, 19:41
Well done you and thanks for posting

30-04-11, 23:03
Can you give us some tips on how you worked through things? What kind of symptoms did you have?
Good job.

01-05-11, 01:32
Yayyy hope! :happy:

Thanks for this post, lovely to read stuff like this. xx