View Full Version : Can stress make it come back?

01-05-11, 01:14
I'd been feeling good for exactly one month, but last week I started feeling overwhelmed again and really stressed/tired. As the week went by, I started worrying all over again and things I hadn't worried about for like 3 months, are making me feel worried again. Why the hell is that? I thought I had gotten over all of those fears.

I used to have this feeling in my head I couldn't get rid of. It was like some sort of headache, made my head feel a bit heavy. I don't know. All I knew it was anxiety and worry. I feared I would never be able to make that feeling go away. I feared it would take my concentration away and it would ruin my life. Overtime, I eventually stopped worrying about it. You know, there are thousands of things we worry about for days/weeks and we feel like we're never going to get over them, and, eventually, they are not worrying anymore. I remember the day I got over the fear of never being able to get rid of that feeling. I'd be like "why was I even worrying about that?". I was able to go on for the next 90 days without even thinking about it. But then, tiredness and stress made me think about it again, during class, one of these days. I got all scared and I could not calm myself down. The headache feeling eventually came back, of course. I give it too much attention and I get scared. It's ridiculous, I know. I have found lots of people on the internet who have symptoms like this one. I know it's anxiety. I'm not afraid it's another disease or something like that. I really don't fear diseases. The only thing I fear right now is not being able to get rid of this feeling or "headache." I'm going to see a psychiatrist on Wednesday. Made an appointment on Friday, when I realized I could not deal with this on my own. I don't know how I'm going to tell her that.

hmm. Needed to rant a bit. Or vent. Whatever you call it.

EDIT: http://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/tension-headaches

WHOA! That's exactly what it is. That's what it MUST be. Tension headaches!!! Plus, it's exactly what I feel. Didn't know this existed O.o Knowing it exists and that I'm not the only one makes me feel calmer.

01-05-11, 03:26
I find stress brings on my anxiety symptoms when it goes on too long. Anything you can do to help yourself relax should help. Exercise, especially going for really long walks and listening to relaxation tapes/CDs are what helps me unwind. The more you worry about anxiety the more stronger it can become. Try and just accept it for what it is - a natural physical response to stress that won't harm you and will go away when you feel more relaxed. The less power you can give it the more harmless it becomes. Good luck with the psychiatrist. Hopefully she can give you some good advice to help you deal with all this.
