View Full Version : Advice needed please

01-05-11, 05:20
Hi I'd really like some advice. I'm terrified of sleeping with no noise and have been awake most of the night. I need to be at work at 6am and then have to visit family when I just want to go to sleep. My grown up daughter is staying with me and needs to sleep in my room. I have my own room as if I don't have a tv or something on then I just can't sleep anymore. If I do sleep then I have nightmares and wake my husband up, and he can't sleep with the tv on. He's a lorry driver and has to work today too. I tried to sleep on the couch but it was hurting my back and I felt so tired but as soon as I go to bed my heart starts thumping and I just feel scared. I love my daughter so much but I am ruining her visits by being so tired. I'm taking st John's wort,Kalms sleep and using the bach's spray but none's really working for me. I don't really want to go back on prescription medication but I am getting desperate now. I'm not scared of being given the prescription I'm worried about the doctor taking it away later on. I'd sooner continue feeling awful than feel better for a while and then go back to feeling so scared again.

01-05-11, 19:13
Hi Nuttymoo,

If the meds work for you then maybe its better to discuss this with the GP - let him know your fears about being taken off the meds so that you can put a plan in action when you are ready- maybe the GP can offer you other support to help you like counselling etc..

tc xx

01-05-11, 20:08
Hey nuttymoo

I also can not sleep without the tv on or the radio, ive tried loads of times but can not, so i know how u feel. Would listening to a mp3 or ipod help? Mabe if you upload a speaking book then u could listen through ur headphones as your going to sleep?

01-05-11, 20:15
Hi, I sleep with a fan on... the sound is very soothing :) Apparently Wayne Rooney has to have a fan on to sleep too...

01-05-11, 20:39
Hi thank you all for the replies. I went out and got a camp bed today so I can sleep in the sitting room tonight. I did buy a fan last week but my husband doesn't like the sound of that either. He can't sleep with any noise at all and I can sleep without it. Thanks again x

01-05-11, 21:36
What about something like this?


Also you could try Googling "sound pillows for tinnitus" as there are bound to be other types of pillow like this.

Hope this helps.

01-05-11, 21:45
I was the same for about 2 years. It seems to have passed for some reason. I used to love it if it rained, because that sound was enough.

Sanmarbro thanks for that link, what a great idea

01-05-11, 21:56
Hi I bought a cd of gentle rainfall and another of pink noise for tinnitus and have made 3 copies of each ( I have 4 cd players:wacko:). I can't use headphones or pillows though. The sound has to be all around me like a barrier, that's when I feel safe.