View Full Version : Issues copping with stress

01-05-11, 08:14
I suppose this is something that i've had ever since I was a teenager, and it lead to my panic attacks back at age 13 then onto generalised anxiety, agoraphobia. I've went through CBT and while its cured my anxiety for the most part I have started getting symptoms of stress again.

Its an odd one because there isn't 1 specific thing I could say is getting me stressed but loads of little things, money, job I hate to name but a few and they are giving me the physical symptoms like heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping at night. On the whole I feel fine, not like I am stressed but then I never did feel stressed anyway, these are all like slight annoyances in the back of my mind, its like while the concious mind isn't really paying much attention the sub concious is, and its giving me these warning signs.

I hope this makes sense, anyone any advice.

01-05-11, 19:09
Hi Samtheman,

Do you have the option of doing a refresher in CBT, it might be really helpful as you have identified some of your old signals for anxiety...

tc xx