View Full Version : Hello everyone

01-05-11, 10:04
Hello everyone,

Like many of you, I had no idea what was wrong with me for years!

Childhood travel sickness developed into a fear of eating in restaurants (My stomach was the enemy apprently).

Things got really bad around 15. I would have nightly panic attcks (shaking etc.) about having to leave school and start work.

Things levelled off a bit, then I was on a train one morning that was stuck en-route. The panic returned with a vengeance. Any situation that wasn't easy to get away from was to be avoided.

My new er 'best buddy' is social anxiety. A presentation and a few meetings started to give rise to dry throat, sweats and blank mind. I seem to be going out of my way to avoid corridor conversations. Work have noticed how detached I have become.

Even today, any arrangements for day trips, social events, meetings, cinema are approached with caution.

What is saddest, is the amount I have given in and compromised my life to avoid attacks. This has lead inevitably to depression.

I'm sure many of you are in much worse positions.

Best wishes and hope to talk soon.


01-05-11, 10:08
Hi theoldcorner

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-05-11, 11:37
hi shaun
are you taking anything or have you spoken to anyone before now?
im a bit the same as you i have to be able to get out of something asap if i need to so trains especially are a nightmare wouldnt even contemplate a plane lol.
have a read through this site there are some great tips and advice wish i could offer you some all i can say is take each day as it comes try not to think too far ahead and there are others in the same boat who care and understand xx

having said all that im taking my 12 year old son to the races today and its family day and the sun is shining so it will be mobbed so wish me luck :)

01-05-11, 13:10
Hi Janet,
I've always been a bit wary of pills as I was never really sure what was wrong with me. This is the first time I have spoken to people about this. I've always felt a bit embaressed and perhaps didn't want to draw attention to it.
Thanks for listening and good luck with the race day, hopefully people will give you a little space :)

01-05-11, 13:21
Hi Shaun

No words of advise from me as I am in no position to comment as I am still fighting with my demons.

Just to let you know that you are not alone. I have social anxiety which coupled with a fear of eating in social situations makes many events impossible for me.

I have shut myself away and am to suffering from depression.

There are some great and knowledgeable people on here who have helped me out when I have been having a wobbly moment.

All the best and maybe I will catch up with you in chat at some stage.

01-05-11, 15:10
Thanks for replying, Elen. I hope I'll also be able to help and get help with any wobbly moments. How long have you had social anxiety?

01-05-11, 15:18
Thanks for replying, Elen. I hope I'll also be able to help and get help with any wobbly moments. How long have you had social anxiety?

I have suffered from early on in childhood. Could not stand birthdays or christmas or any other social occassion.

Would not even go on holiday if I could avoid it.

I have been a total muppet but hey ho

01-05-11, 15:22
That sounds rough. From what I've read, this tends to start during teens.

In fact, people were talking about street parties for the wedding and I suddenly remembered not wanting to go to the silver jubilee party in our street, I would have only been 4 and can't understand why I would have felt anxious (who is anxious at 4?!).

01-05-11, 15:28

I was exactly the same I was about that age and it was Christmas at a relatives that got me all worked up.

01-05-11, 15:41
Hi oldcorner,

Just wanted to welcome to the forum and to say it is a huge step to when you finally admit to yourself and others (even just to us peeps on t'internet) that you've an anxiety disorder.

Hope you get enough information and advice to enable you to manage your anxiety as best as possible, I've come to the conclusion it's pretty much a long term strategy that we need to use, so no rest for the wicked...!


01-05-11, 15:48
Welcome, your not allone.

Im a newcomer too, but ive been browsing for a long time and found great advise here!

01-05-11, 17:33
Thanks Clare and everyone. I look forward to getting to know you all.