View Full Version : Death Anxiety

15-04-06, 10:39
Hi All

I am putting many steps in place to try and beat this damn anxiety thing but am struggling with the death anxiety - I constantly fear I am dying, everyday I am sure is my last, does anyone else get this so bad and any tips to overcome it please, no matter what i tell myself I am sure death is near, when I calm down I tell myself this is anxiety but at the time, everytime It is so real and I hate it more than any other symptom

Any replies / Help would be greatly apprecaited

Wendy xx

15-04-06, 10:46
Hi Wendy

You are not alone with this.

Perhaps reading some of these might help:

Fear Of death
Fear of death (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=321)
obsession with death, why? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4764)
Fear of death (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4916)
Hello and Fear of dying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5635)
Scared to Sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6590)


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

15-04-06, 12:17

wendy..i was constantley like this in the beginning, this time round..all i was thinking is im going to die, i still do but im a little better in that now..although not cured totally in that department wend.

I tell you something, a big part of the death thoughts is due to the fact you havnt totally excepted that this is anxiety .. you may somewhere but in your heart you havnt..you think i have a terminal illness.. or something really medically wrong and that is why you fear death all the time.
Like i said i was constantley like this,even pictured everyone at my funeral ,how morbid is that..always thinking im just going to drop on the floor dead and my kids are going to find me..it becomes an obsessive thought dosnt it.. and how awful is that, in turn then it releases more nasty symptoms and the circle of fear carrys on and on and on.
I still do this sometimes, i cant let go totally.. but i have excepted a bit more than i did ,that this really is anxiety/panic/depression/ whatever mental problem i have .. i kinda except it a little..like 30% thats a lot for me.
Wendy once you start to do this too ..you will start gradually ..and slowly to win your battle with this evil monster called anxiety.

I know how you feel love , i really do..and i get so down with it all.. infact i am very down..

But i will always be here for ya love x


15-04-06, 13:23
yes Wendy I had this so bad to at one time but it does go, The only thing I find really helps me is distraction, getting out maybe in the garden or something like that, When I had it bad I was really tired and couldn’t be bothered doing anything, never even had interest in things I once enjoyed but keep doing it anyway and it does get better, What I think now is I have ruined so many years worrying about my health when all the time there was nothing wrong. I might as well get on with life and enjoyed myself, but the clock can’t turn back. You can think about dying and ruin many years. What will be will be in the end so we might as well not think about these things and enjoy life while we can? The pains and aches and physical symptoms are real to but, it’s just the system overloading with worry and anxiety. Everyone gets this even none anxious people but they don’t dwell on it like us so it quickly disappears. Just try distraction, and affirmations, keep telling yourself you are well and healthy it does work in time. Take care, Vernon

15-04-06, 15:04
Karen, Ashley, Vernon

Thank you so much for the links and kind words and advise on this one, it is a bit of a strange one and Ash and Vernon your words have comforted me so much, actually took my breath away for a minute how close to how im feeling you got, Ash you are so rite that I need to 100% accept this as Anxiety - think i do still question this deep down and Vernon as you say I am going to waste my life "waiting for Death" so to speak, when read this it actually kicked a bit of fight back into me! so thanks both!

Links are great Karen, again to know im not alone seems to take the edge of a bit

This is my biggest fear to overcome and Im goin to keep refering to your words to help me with this,

Thanks again all

Wendy xx

15-04-06, 19:34
Hi Wendy

You're not alone, I am sharing with you this heavy burden. Its in my mind too, most of the time... I don't have many advices to offer, but I think that the best thing is acceptance, and try to think "so what" or "whatever" instead of "what if". I know its very difficult but it does help. Keeping busy, i.e work or hobbies may help too.
If I didnt fear death, then most of my anxiety would vanish, I fear going to sleep very often, in case I won't wake up.
Hope you'll get better soon.


*** Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.***

15-04-06, 21:35
Hi Wendy

I know exactly how your feeling as this is my biggest fear too ..... Just to let you know you certainly aren't alone.

Cath x