View Full Version : Feel so petrified of everything?! What's going on?

01-05-11, 11:50
My b/f as some of you know is 3 weeks into Cipralex.

He has asked me to take him to out of hours doctors because he is just so scared of everything.

I have asked him to try and explain, he said like when you are about to do something you are petrified of ...........permanently.

What should I do / tell him??


macc noodle
01-05-11, 12:04
Hi Loops

Not had this drug prescribed personally so don't have any first hand experience to offer.

I do think, however, it may well be worthwhile ringing the out of hours service and telling them how long he has been taking the drug, the dosage and the problem he is having.

If you google it, it would appear that this can be a side effect of the drug although I am not too sure whether it is temporary or not.

Good luck hon, you are being a brilliant support to him :hugs:


01-05-11, 12:19
Hi hope your B/F is ok??
am not on that tablet but i don't think that it is a side effect of the tab it could be but i also have that feeling off and on i can go days without it then the next day i just feel so scared of anything and everything even just sitting watching the tv i get these thoughts into my mind that OMG the tv has been on to long and it proper scares me and freaks me out it can be anything at all even thinking about walking the shop for the paper / making a cup of tea etc so i no how he feels the doc said its all down to anxiety and that's what the tablets are for to stop these negative thoughts and feelings hopefully this will pass soon for your B/F ...
If he goes to the out of hours or walk in center i don't think they can really give him anything for this but i no my doctor gave me some valium and that to just calm me down until the tablets started to work maybe book him an appointment with his own doctor and have a chat with them xx