View Full Version : Stomach Complaints

01-05-11, 14:18
I have pretty bad (mid tummy) stomach cramps and running to the toilet every few minutes. This started last night. I can sip water, but not drink it without pain.

Thing is I had something similar two weeks ago though it only lasted about 2 hours. Also two weeks before that I had it but again, not for long.

The one I have now I've had for about 18 hours. Just wondering if anyone knows of a bug around like this?


macc noodle
01-05-11, 14:47
Hi there

Thanks for the post on my thread - I think mine is IBS - but if so, worst I have ever had.

Pain gone for now (please God it stays away) - I have just drunk loads of boiled water (but allowed it to cool) over the last 12 hours and eaten bits like a banana, a boiled egg etc - nothing too much at any one time.

Hope you feel better soon.


01-05-11, 14:53
Thanks Jan. I am beginning to wonder if I have an allergy to some foods.

macc noodle
01-05-11, 14:56
You could try keeping a food diary and see if there is any correlation between certain foods and bowel changes.

It could just be a bug.

Do you suffer anxiety type illness ? IBS is quite a common side effect of anxiety.

Have you suffered before with this or is it something new?

Hope you feeling better soon.


01-05-11, 20:12
I have suffered with IBS and Palps. But this feels different - the pain comes in waves and is excruciating then moves away for a bit. Even if I sip water, it hurts.

I had something like it 2 weeks ago, although it lasted about an hour only and I do think that was something I ate.