View Full Version : I need tough love

01-05-11, 14:20
Ok, had an on and off BC fear since late last year. Had lump under arm which went and then flared up again I think in the same place, showed doctor, he said a boil and gave me antibiotics. In true HA fashion I was happy for a while (now of course I'm doubting him). At the same time as seeing him I asked to be put back on Sertraline.

All went well and then yesterday on Day 11 I had two nosebleeds. I googled and apparently its a rare side effect and I rung NHS Direct who said it *was* a side effect but more likely due to time of year and the hayfever season starting. Anyway, they said lay off the Sertraline until you can see your doctor.

Now for the stupid part. In the course of one morning I have gone from leukamia, to DVT (because I have an enlarged vein in my upper arm) to HIV back to BC. Can somebody talk some bloody sense into me? I need a slap, a hard one.

01-05-11, 14:30
Low platelet counts can be a side effect of SSRI's...but its rare and you would have other symptoms if this was happening to you.

Due to a condition I have, I have low platelet counts and there are a host of symptoms, like bruising and pin prick type bruises. Even then at very low counts I have functioned okay.

A simple blood test would put your mind at ease, so ask the doc. If the sertraline helps and if blood test are fine...you could then continue your sertraline. Your doc can ask them to phone the results of a test which means you could continue your meds

macc noodle
01-05-11, 14:53
How long were your nosebleeds?

Do you suffer from hayfever normally?

The pollen has been very irritating last few weeks - both my boys have had nosebleeds but I know that it is because of the pollen - just an unfortunate side effect of the nasal irritation it causes them.

I am afraid I do not know about the meds' side effects - no experience of them.

Know exactly where you are coming from regarding BC and going round in circles with death inducing illnesses (my current one is Ovarian Cancer - as I have been having lots of bowel issues and pelvic pain - my doc says no - she says IBS and time of my life!!!) - just like you I leave the docs feeling better (in the same way I do when people reply to my posts here) and then, bang, 10 minutes (or if I am lucky 10 days later) I am back to square one.

The only thing we can do is kick it to the kerb where it belongs - sometimes we can do it faster than other times. Keep fighting and in the end we will win!


01-05-11, 14:55
Hey rosi,

We can often manage one HA symptom but when 2 or 3 come along it's hard to keep it together isn't it...

Has you lump gone down? If so, then it's fine. As I see it, if something goes or improves, it is ok, the longer it goes on of course the more anxious we get. I've tried to start looking at the bigger picture, for example, if I had a nose bleed say, I would *try* and work out if I was otherwise feeling fine before getting myself in an anxious mess. Easier said than done. But one episode of nose bleeds isn't a sign of anything serious, obviously it if continued, a GP appointment may be called for.

I can't offer any advice re continuing the sertraline or not I'm afraid though. x