View Full Version : Hi im Sarah ( Just joined this site today)

01-05-11, 17:38
I am actually glad i have found a genuine site like this because i have been suffering from a panic disorder since i was 16 and i am now 23 and i really want to talk to someone who knows what i am going through and who maybe going through the same or a similar thing.

All i can do is focus on my breathing, 24/7 i constantly monitor how i am breathing. I feel that i breathe to fast which causes me to panic. I feel that my chest is wheezing. I feel my throat is always tight and when i breathe it really hurts. I constantly get palpatations out of the blue and i am always convinced each time that its health related and always find myself at the doctors even though i am recieving CBT by a councellor.

I cant do anything by myself because i feel that i am going to be out of breathe and never catch my breathe and die, i have it in my head that i have Asthma or something.

Does anyone else have it to the extent where all they think about is there breathing? Avoiding doing simple things like walking up or a hill or walking sooo slowly just so ur heart doesnt beat fast and avoiding getting breatheless?

i could say so much more but i am aware of how pathetic i sound.

01-05-11, 17:39
Hi xJust_Sarahx

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-05-11, 18:05
Hi Sarah,
You don't sound pathetic at all. My shortness of breath and palpatations hit when I am in a group of people, driving or shopping centres (to name a few). It's the reason I tried yoga classes as this puts a lot of emphasis on breathe control for calmness. It works OK for me as long as I can remember to do it!
Stay in touch and hope you stay OK.
Best wishes, Shaun

01-05-11, 18:08
hello Sarah:)

you are most definately not pathetic at all .no .no :hugs:

breathing worries me too .I associate my heartrate going up with panic . so exercise scares me witless .........know it helps anxiety and panic .......but it becomes viscious circle . going to get a grip soon !!

take care x

01-05-11, 18:17
Hi Sarah,

It doesn't sound pathetic! I am sure I won't be the only one telling you that they completely understand what your going through. Panic disorder is by far one of the worst symptoms of anxiety. I'v had it on an off for a while now. Yes the dreaded breath is so annoying. There were periods when I struggled to even talk to people because I was becoming breathless.

I think CBT is probably the best way forward. It helped me in a huge way. I know it is hard to accept, but all these bizarre symptoms (such as the constant awareness of breath) are caused by anxiety. I think us anxious people just can't trust doctors! But this is the first step, to realise that you are just suffering from panic. But the only way to realise this fully will be through cbt or some other method which makes you confront the panic related symptoms. I realised that avoidance actually just increased panic. My CBT therapist actually got me to induce panic attacks myself so that I could be exposed to it an understand how they develop. It wasn't pleasant, but it made me less frightened of the whole experience. I wouldn't suggest you necessarily do this yourself, but talk to your therapist.

So keep going with the CBT and I am sure it will help a lot!