View Full Version : can i start a blog and ask you all to help?please? x

01-05-11, 19:12
well here i go,i know that citalopram have given me my old self back which im sooo grateful for!! but i have been over drinking(alcohol)been smoking again after 3 years quit and have piled on loads of weight again!!mainly due to the cider!! lol...ne way as from tomoz im sticking a nrt patch back on,going to slimming world and no more cider!! coz i know that if i do go back to my anxious self ill totally freak that ive been in a word destroying my body!!(everything i used to worry about!!)hope you dont mind,really want to stop whwt im doing this to myself coz i am so much better xxxx:doh:

01-05-11, 19:23
lovely post ..............so pleased you are feeling better :)
having battled with the cigs and the wine in the past ,,,,,,,will always support you here ,,,,,,,,,got some strategies under my belt now :blush::ohmy:
good luck xxxxxxx

01-05-11, 19:25
Well done on deciding to change your life. :D I don't smoke or drink, but I'm very overweight and unfit and I'm sure it adds greatly to my health anxiety. I need to change my life too. All the best... You can do it!! x

02-05-11, 20:17
aww thank you you 2,new start today..been to slim world and patch going on!! and no more cider...ive put on over 2 stone!!! xxx

02-05-11, 20:24
keep us informed Bexy :yesyes:

good work .............and please motivate me :blush:

02-05-11, 20:25
Well done hun and good luck, I gave up cigarettes when i was 19 and havent touched one since (im 24) so it is possible!! I am overweight (have 2 children but i became a lazy cow i must say!! :winks:) And now i need to get in my wedding dress so im starting a fresh start of diet, exercise and hopefully a stressfree lifestyle... xx

04-05-11, 09:37
hiya,well joined sloimming world!! no cider or wine last night,had a couple of vodka and tonics instead!!!and no odd fag!!! feel like im gonna crack it!!feel tonnes better ths morn:Dxx