View Full Version : paranoia, worn out! and beta blockers?

01-05-11, 21:27
So I've had yet another paranoia filled day at work, tried to keep myself as busy as possible but all I can think about is people talking/thinking negative things about me.
my life is becoming controlled (again) by this fear of sweat/smell and theres hardly anything on google about it and nothing really on here about it, do you think the doctor can give me beta blockers? I don't know much about them, can you take then everyday? I'm supposed to up my dose of citalopram in a couple of days will this help?
sorry for rambling just desperate for advice

02-05-11, 04:42
Hi Kate

I would think that upping your dose of Citalopram may help with obsessive thoughts. I'm on Sertraline (another anti-depressant) and I am now a lot less stressed and thinking clearer. I am also on Propranolol (beta blocker) which helps with physical anxiety symptoms, but doesn't change your thoughts or feelings at all. I found it was good for reducing things like shaking and chest pain and generally made me less worried about what was going on physically. I take Propranolol every day, but I know some people just take them when needed - usually prior to a stressful event.

Try and relax as much as you can. Keep yourself busy with something when not at work so you don't spend too much time worrying. If you have excellent personal hygiene, which given your fears I'm sure you have, you just have to remind yourself that this is an anxiety problem and deal with it that way.


02-05-11, 12:06
thaks for the info guys, i think i'll go to my gp a speak to him soon as I think beta blockers would help me.
I had an attack this morning and tried to ring in sick at work and said i had a temperature but my manager said they needed me in, I was still shakey when I got there and burst into tears wich was embarrassing so I told my manager about the panic attack and I he gave me the week off. He's got to speak to all the other managers about it though (one of them already knows about me going on meds) but worried about when I have to go and face them all.
I guess your right I just need to keep busy just feel a bit hopeless today

02-05-11, 14:37
Well at least it's all out in the open now. When you have faced them initially and know how they have all reacted it will be much easier :).

02-05-11, 17:01
thaks for the info guys, i think i'll go to my gp a speak to him soon as I think beta blockers would help me.
I had an attack this morning and tried to ring in sick at work and said i had a temperature but my manager said they needed me in, I was still shakey when I got there and burst into tears wich was embarrassing so I told my manager about the panic attack and I he gave me the week off. He's got to speak to all the other managers about it though (one of them already knows about me going on meds) but worried about when I have to go and face them all.
I guess your right I just need to keep busy just feel a bit hopeless today

I think its a good thing for management at work to be aware of your situation, before I went back to work all management were briefed on what was going on with me and what medication I took so that if I felt bad then they could help me. If they are good and professional managers then it will just be kept amongst them and not any further and chances are they probably won't even mention it to you, my managers have been very understanding to my situation and have been helpful in arranging a suitable rosta etc for me so hopefully your work will be the same. good luck x

02-05-11, 17:51
thanks kjane what do you work as? just curious, I work in a bar so a bit worried that it's no loss for them if they get rid of me

04-05-11, 23:25

just going to post this link in case anyone needs info in the future. It's made me feel better knowing it is a disorder

16-05-11, 01:31
Hello - I was started on Propranolol about 2 months ago for PVCs (abnormal heart beats), but noticed that it also helps with the symptoms of anxiety. It keeps the adrenaline in check. Was taking 10mg 2xday, but was feeling a bit brain foggy and tingling sensations on scalp, so doc reduced to 10mg 1xday and now much better.

Many people have success on beta blockers. Good luck with your treatment:)

20-05-11, 09:17

It was gr8 reading your post, ive been suffering from anxiety and panic after having an inner ear infection which knocked off my balance and i havent been able to go to work for 12 weeks, after a bad experience with citropram, my doc has put me on propranlol 40mg.

I have just taken my first one today, fingers crossed it will stop the shaking, which is driving me nuts, and give me some confidence back...so that i can get back to work.

How long did it take for them to work? :)