View Full Version : New here and worried!

01-05-11, 22:33
Hello everyone,

Decided to join here because I am very worried about my health.

I did use to suffer from Panic Attacks but don't get them much these days.

I don't take any medication, I used to but not now.

I have a lot of symptoms that bother me and I'd like to know if people on here get the same or similar problems?

My issues are:

>Feeling tired all the time (I have 8-9 hours sleep every night but as soon as I wake up I still feel tired like I haven't even slept.)

>Dry mouth and lips (I have to keep licking my mouth and lips all the time.)

>Difficulty swallowing, Throat feels uncomfortable.

>I have recently noticed that my tonsils are quite large/swollen.

>I feel as if I am struggling to breath or short of breath all the time, No-one has commented on this but it feels like i am not getting enough air or gasping.

>Dull chest aches

>Sighing a lot.


>Having to swallow a lot/Sometimes feel as if there's too much Saliva but then again sometimes it's like there is a lack of saliva.

Lots of things have got round in my mind like Cancer, MS/ALS, Heart Problems, Other Neurological Problems, Sleep Disorders and more.

I am a 32 year old male.


01-05-11, 22:38
There is virals bugs still going around. So maybe have a dr. check your tonsils as you have said they are swollen.

Vanilla Sky
01-05-11, 23:15
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

01-05-11, 23:29
I can comment on most of them.

first tired we i want to nap through day even after good sleep.
swallowmg i just got scared i swallowed yawned and it was like i stopped breathing i couldn't swallow my throat was horrid.
Breathing I'm convinced i can't breathe right or that i have just stopped x also suffered with feeling short of breatha and over breathing x
yawning all the time i force my self to yawn so i he a fresh of breat.

Welcome to nmp hope you get some relief x

02-05-11, 17:25
Thank you for you're welcomes.

I think what worries me most is the dull ache in the centre of my chest which i have had for weeks, the constant swallowing and difficulty swallowing along with the constant fatigue and constant dry mouth.

I think i breath through my mouth all the time too and i reckon i stop breathing during the night.

Really concerned about heart problems, a kind of cancer, MS/ALS, lung problem or something else like problems with my salivary glands or something.

02-05-11, 22:42
Does anyone have to constantly lick their mouth/lips because of a constant dry mouth? Also does anyone get breathing problems or feel as though they gasp for air a lot and like there is a lack of oxygen or something?

02-05-11, 22:49
I feel like that sometimes hon. I feel like I'm not breathing properly and need to gasp for air. V scary, but I tell myself it's anxiety, not something serious because when I'm not thinking about it I'm fine. x

03-05-11, 12:12
i feel tired all the time no matter how much sleep i manage to get, i always yawn all the time and feels like one after another most times. i ALWAYS take deep breaths in and sigh because i always feel like i am not breathing properly and try to get a satisfactory breath which needs to come right from the stomach and chest otherwise i will panic and try the process again and again! Doing things like this is bount to cause your chest to ache when you think about it because your trying to give your body extra work to do type thing but its perfectly normal.

As for swallowing - thats another bane of my life, i sometimes go to swallow and cant and its a wierd sensation and i find myself swallowing over and over again one after another and it never fails to panic me.

Its just because we are monitoring all of this and we expect something bad to happen and pick out everything we can.. things that our body do naturally - we notice and panic!

Im not sure about the swollen tonsils bit but if you have major concerns about that there is no harm in you going to the doctors to get it checked out. just for your own piece of mind.

if you ever want to chat feel free to message me :)

paula lynne
03-05-11, 12:27
Hi Stallone, a belated welcome to you. You remind me such a lot of another poster on here who recently left, he had nearly identical symptoms to you. I think his vit B12 was low and following injections, recovered from a lot of the symptoms so I wonder if a full blood count would be helpful to you? Maybe ask your Gp, and get them to check out your tonsils at the same time.

Air hunger is common with anxiety, and frightening. Ive sat with a fan on full in my face many times......its hard but you need to realise that you will get enough air, even if you feel like you arent. When you get like this, try some relaxation or distraction, depending on what works for you.

Hope you feel better soon!
Paula x:welcome:

03-05-11, 12:37
Hi, I joined today too, thought I'd got on top of my health anxiety but realising it's a longer journey than I thought! For what it's worth, the yawning / breathlessness / swallowing things are very familiar. My CBT counsellor explained to me that when you're anxious, it hits the neck and chest most for many people. I can't swallow, panic, keep trying, and keep panicking... The yawning is a sign of hyperventilation. Does it feel like you keep trying to get a proper, deep breath in but can't, so you keep sighing and yawning? Although it's hard to do, the best plan is just to find a distraction and it will hopefully pass. The chest ache is also likely to be linked to the anxiety. I know how hard it is, no matter how many reassurances you read, you keep thinking "but for some people, this will be a sign of serious illness - what if I ignore it and something dreadful happens?". Getting some reassurance about the swollen tonsils and symptoms may be a good plan, but when you do, you just have to work hard to believe it and stay reassured. I find my track record helpful - I know that in the past few years, I have believed I have had a serious heart condition, kidney cancer, a spinal infection or tumour, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, I have believed my children have meningitis, brain tumours, etc etc. The answer has always turned out to be the most straightforward one - a virus, a UTI, a minor infection. I really wish my brain wasn't programmed to think this way, but changing is really hard! I hope you get some reassurance and feel better soon.

03-05-11, 13:44
Hi Stallone, a belated welcome to you. You remind me such a lot of another poster on here who recently left, he had nearly identical symptoms to you. I think his vit B12 was low and following injections, recovered from a lot of the symptoms so I wonder if a full blood count would be helpful to you? Maybe ask your Gp, and get them to check out your tonsils at the same time.

Air hunger is common with anxiety, and frightening. Ive sat with a fan on full in my face many times......its hard but you need to realise that you will get enough air, even if you feel like you arent. When you get like this, try some relaxation or distraction, depending on what works for you.

Hope you feel better soon!
Paula x:welcome:

Hello there I have had a full blood count and B12 level was within the normal range.

The air or breathing problem for me is constant from the moment i wake up until the moment i go to sleep.

It would be interesting to know if anyone else on this site has big tonsils?? I will get a doctor to look at them a.s.a.p but my concern with them is could they be blocking my airway and causing my shortness of breath? And could this have an effect on the heart and cause a heart attack or heart failure?

Thank you.

paula lynne
03-05-11, 14:00
Hi again. Good news that your B12 is ok.
I cant comment on the big tonsils, but I can say this wont really affect your breathing, which is automatic and controled by a breathing center in your brain. You also get air through your nose but probably dont notice that as much as you are worried about mouth issues. You have no need to worry about having heart failure because your tonisils are big. Why not use the search facility and type in "Tonsils" or "Air hunger".....there should be lots of threads of those who have gone through the worry of not getting enough air due to large tonsils.

I can definately think of at least one member who was going through exactly the same as you, although Im not sure of the protocol about publishing his name here now he has left. Try the search facility though.

Right, off to scramble some eggs......hope you feel much better soon :)

03-05-11, 14:07
Like stallone I get tired quite alot, only manage around 5 hours, I also have large tonsils, but they always been large since first had tonsillitis, I'm always yarning too
My breathing is fine tho, I also have dry mouth everyday and always need to lick lips and itch them with my teeth,
I've not had any vitamin tests, no matter how many times I ask for one they say no. I wonder reather mine is a vit deficiency as no food I eat contain vitamins/minerals

03-05-11, 15:45
I have never posted on a place like this before and didn't think i would do this but it would be very reassuring if someone has bigger tonsils than mine.

Photo coming up! Look away now!

Couldn't work out how to do it for a minute but it's up now.

03-05-11, 15:50

03-05-11, 21:05
My pic must have put a few people off :(

03-05-11, 23:54
First of all - your tonsils look normal to me - my son had to have his out last year (hes 24) he was having tonsilitis constantly and they were making him very ill - his tonsils were so big, they were touching.
The constant dry mouth and lips is definately anxiety - I dont go anywhere without a good supply of water and chewing gum.
The breathing is hyperventilation which I've posted several times but here it is again;


The biggest clue to Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome is the presence of vague dizziness accompanied by a lot of other seemingly unrelated symptoms, which might include any of the following:

shortness of breath for no apparent reason
frequent sighing or yawning
chest pains
heart palpitations
syncope (fainting)
slurred speech
cold, tingling, or numb lips or extremities
nausea or irritable bowel syndrome
aching muscles or joints, or tremors
tiredness, unsteadiness, or diffuse weakness
restless sleep, insomnia, or nightmares
sexual problems
anxiety or phobias
fear that perhaps you're a hypochondriac
dry mouth
pressure in throat or difficulty swallowing
bloating, belching, flatulence, or abdominal pain
impaired memory or concentration
confusion / disorientation
tinnitis (ringing in ears)
blurred vision, tunnel vision, double vision, or flashing lights
tachycardia (rapid pulse)
erratic blood pressure

So many members have been posting recently about "difficulty breathing", or not being able to take a "deep breath" - together with all the other nasty symptoms they are experiencing.
There is a book by Dinah Shore which is half explanitory and half self help about the above syndrome. Dinah Shore is a physiotherapist from New Zealand who specialises in respitory physio. The book is excellent, easy to read and explains the condition in full and in simple language.

I have suffered with this for years and know how unpleasant and frightening it can be. It also know how it can excaserbate anxiety/panic and spiral into an uncontrollable cycle of misery.

Of course, you should get checked out medically - but if nothing else is found to be causing your breathing problems, please look into this.

I hope this helps.


04-05-11, 16:15
First of all - your tonsils look normal to me - my son had to have his out last year (hes 24) he was having tonsilitis constantly and they were making him very ill - his tonsils were so big, they were touching.
The constant dry mouth and lips is definately anxiety - I dont go anywhere without a good supply of water and chewing gum.
The breathing is hyperventilation which I've posted several times but here it is again;


The biggest clue to Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome is the presence of vague dizziness accompanied by a lot of other seemingly unrelated symptoms, which might include any of the following:

shortness of breath for no apparent reason
frequent sighing or yawning
chest pains
heart palpitations
syncope (fainting)
slurred speech
cold, tingling, or numb lips or extremities
nausea or irritable bowel syndrome
aching muscles or joints, or tremors
tiredness, unsteadiness, or diffuse weakness
restless sleep, insomnia, or nightmares
sexual problems
anxiety or phobias
fear that perhaps you're a hypochondriac
dry mouth
pressure in throat or difficulty swallowing
bloating, belching, flatulence, or abdominal pain
impaired memory or concentration
confusion / disorientation
tinnitis (ringing in ears)
blurred vision, tunnel vision, double vision, or flashing lights
tachycardia (rapid pulse)
erratic blood pressure

So many members have been posting recently about "difficulty breathing", or not being able to take a "deep breath" - together with all the other nasty symptoms they are experiencing.
There is a book by Dinah Shore which is half explanitory and half self help about the above syndrome. Dinah Shore is a physiotherapist from New Zealand who specialises in respitory physio. The book is excellent, easy to read and explains the condition in full and in simple language.

I have suffered with this for years and know how unpleasant and frightening it can be. It also know how it can excaserbate anxiety/panic and spiral into an uncontrollable cycle of misery.

Of course, you should get checked out medically - but if nothing else is found to be causing your breathing problems, please look into this.

I hope this helps.



Many thanks for your post and help.

One thing i have to ask is, Normal? Really? They look very big to me! As i was curious i asked a couple of friends about it and i couldn't even see their tonsils at all.

Mine look quite big and they are always red and my throat feels sore quite a lot and i'm not sure why but i always seem to have to swallow a lot more than the average person i just seem to swallow excessively which doesn't help my throat at all as it makes it sore and if it's already sore it gets more sore.

I get the feeling of excess saliva in my mouth it's difficult to explain it is like even though i think i am swallowing properly it's like i don't swallow that much saliva so i have too much but i don't drool at all.

04-05-11, 16:40
Noticed something on my tonsils yesterday and it is still there today.


paula lynne
04-05-11, 16:53
Goodness me...........:ohmy:

CHECK OUT THE THREAD CALLED "SWALLOWING DIFFICULTIES AGAIN ! SOMETHING SERIOUS?" you can find it on the search facility. Its by a poster called EGGY.

He seemed to have almost identical tonsils to you.....and a little white patch in the same place. He had some good advice on that thread, hopefully it will help you STALLONE.

Im afraid Im not up on technology or I would post the link to the thread HERE to save you searching for it, maybe someone could help in that regard?

Hope this helps you out!
Paula :)

04-05-11, 16:54
I never realised until last week that my tonsils are rather large and never seen a white patch or spot there before but i am not one for looking in my mouth.

paula lynne
04-05-11, 17:01
Neither were we til you posted that pic mate!
Check out that thread I suggested, Im sure it will help you.
Can some brainy person help out and find the thread and post a link please???

Cheers! Paula x:D

04-05-11, 18:03
Hope this is the one .

www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=90631&page=2 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=90631&page=2)

paula lynne
04-05-11, 18:26
Clever girl insp Hawkes! Lets hope something on EGGYS thread can help Stallone out eh! Hope you feel better soon Stallone! :)

04-05-11, 18:43
That persons experience is totally different to mine reason being i have never seen anyone about my throat, I have never seen a specialist either.

paula lynne
04-05-11, 18:55
I understand that Stallone, but i just thought the advice on there might of benefitted you in some way. Also, some of the distressing sympoms appear to be the same.

Of course, you are unique. Im sorry, I was just trying to help you.
Best wishes, Paula

04-05-11, 18:59
No need to apologise paula lynne i appreciate the help.

04-05-11, 18:59
The tonsil pic looks the same as well .:ohmy:.Goes to show how common it is .. Sue

04-05-11, 19:03
That persons tonsils look better than mine wish mine were like theirs.

04-05-11, 22:01
I recognise the pic - I have one massively enlarged tonsil (bigger than yours) but one smaller one. My large tonsil forms tonsil stones (I believe the technical word is something like tonsiloth, I'd google it but have promised never to do that!). Basically because they're big, they trap food which encourages bacterial growth and you end up with a big yucky white bit. Eventually it comes off - usually you'll cough it up; it has a revolting smell. You can help it off with a q-tip dipped in TCP if you want. My understanding is that, while they can cause bad breath, they won't really hurt you.
You may be more prone to throat infections; I get recurrent tonsillitis, but antibiotics fix that. If it helps, I've been told that the only really dodgy things grotty tonsils can cause is a tonsil abscess if you leave an infection untreated for ages, and you'd know about that because you can't open your mouth properly or speak properly and would be spiking a really high temperature.
Your pic could show the start of tonsillitis; if it is, more of those white patches will pop up and a visit to the doctors will probably result in a course of antibiotics. But even when both of mine have blown up so huge that they touched in the middle, they haven't blocked my breathing. And it's always got better.
I don't know if this helps, but I know quite a few people who also get these tonsil stones. I've been getting them for over 20 years now, the tonsilitis dates back 30 years, and it's a nuisance but you learn to manage it. (In case I sound overly sorted with this, I'm definitely not, I'm now convinced my sciatica is going to progress to cauda equina syndrome, which will leave me paralysed and incontinent. Sometimes I want to swap my brain with someone else... anyone else!!)