View Full Version : Numbness, head tingling etc... HELP

01-05-11, 22:43
So, I basically just started having "panic attacks" a few weeks ago. I use quotation marks because I'm convinced there is something wrong with me, I want to explain exactly how I feel. It starts with a strange feeling in my head, like my head is tingling, only on one side I get a funny sensation/taste in my mouth, my arms feel week and feel like I can't grip properly, all of this time, my heart rate is staying the same as is my breathing, I feel like I am going to fall asleep and my speech slows down. My chest is tight and I get shooting pains in my head. Sometimes my legs go numb as well. Also, my eyes dilate and contract, quickly on occasions (This is not due to change of lights) and go bloodshot. I get pain in my neck as well.. I have only hyperventilated to my knowledge twice. I have no trigger for these things, they just happen...

I have seen a few doctors and have had ECGS's, blood tests and eyes checked to see if any pressure from brain, all came back fine. They say it is anxiety and I have been referred to CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), who say they will call me back to interview me for an hour or so..

Also, I keep thinking that I am going to die in my sleep, has anyone had this or any of the above, any advice (preferably on ways to combat this and letting me know if the above things are normal) would be most helpful.

Peace and love

01-05-11, 22:49
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms....Hi and welcome please read through this link it will explain things you are experiencing .Nice to see you here :Dand im sure you will not die in your sleep Its just your Anxiety making you think like this ..Take care Sue x

03-05-11, 06:08
Though my symptoms are different from yours, I can see why you think it is something else. I can't answer to those, but if you can find a doctor who is willing to work with you to figure out the answers then you are lucky. Many do not. Mine is WONDERFUL and she is very understanding...find someone who will take you seriously.

As for the dying in your sleep...I feel that to a TEE!!! It is so scary and keeps us from getting the amount of sleep we should. People tell me "you're not going to die" and they are right. I wake up every morning. BUT my mind says back "but what if this is the one night it does happen?" I haven't figured out how to fix this; but know you are not alone...


03-05-11, 15:31
Cripes, I get this as well. I've had it for a month, done a bit of research it seems like it is caused by hyperventolation. You only need to overbreath a very small amount and it will cause all the symptons. I've tried abdominal breathing exercises today and it seems to be having some benefit.


14-05-11, 16:04
Ergh! I literally thought i was dying the other night. Was just watching a film with my partner; quite relaxed but if i'm honest i must have been dwelling on the pain and pressure i could feel in my head. It felt weird because for the last three weeks it's been chest pains and ligh headedness bothering me. I was, which i think i do a lot, thinking about my Dad's death last year and wondering what it felt like for him to have a stroke....so, pins and needles begin in my head and the feeling rapidly spreads all over my body in a rush/wave, like a million tiny buzzing bees all over me, inside me..felt like my blood was boiling but also freezing...it was about 60 seconds of absolute torture...i freaked out in a big way and my partner had to restrain me from flapping around in panic. I thought i was dying...it was awful. It ended, as it always does, in sobbing and tears of frustration and relief that i didn't die but angry that i can make myself feel like that...but ALWAYS worrying that it's nothing to do with my mental state and i do actually have a neuro prob...That was a few days ago and now my main health anxiety is pressure in my head...i'm signed off work and scared to go out in case i get dizzy again and embarass myself. This is not me :-(
I'm only 28 but am going to request a brain scan on Mon from my GP...i am convinced i will have a haemorrhage like my Dad.

14-05-11, 16:46
TKakes, Wow, I have quite a similar situation as you. Mind you this happened a while ago but it still bothers me greatly.

About 5-6 years ago my Mother in law died from a massive Heart attack. She died in her bedroom and was still there on the floor when we arrived. She looked like she went through a lot of pain but I hope it was a quick transaction. After all the fanfare of funeral arrangements and so on, I had time to think about myself and my health. Since then I have been plagued with thoughts of myself having one of these massive heart attacks. It still goes on to this day that I am worried about having one. I'm always worried that one day I am going to go do something and Poof! No more me:scared15:

macc noodle
14-05-11, 17:12
95 concours - if your m-i-l suffered a massive heart attack, it would have been very swift and she would likely have known little about it. I know that this is no comfort to a health anxiety sufferer as I am one too and my next brain haemmorhage or heart attack is but a heartbeat away.

Today I have been plagued ALL DAY LONG with numbness across back, in my head, throat closing up, choking feeling, cant breathe, heart slow, heart fast, stomach ache & bloating and generally terrified.

Trying to find a level at which I can relax and make it go is impossible when I am like this and I feel so sorry for all of you suffering out there - it is really scary.

My problem also is that I am too scared to go to the docs and ask for scans and tests to prove all is OK :weep: